What are the effects of fresh figs and leaves?

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Fresh figs and leaves are not only a daily drink but also a very good medicine for health. The effects of the tree are not only experienced in folklore, but are also proven by scientific studies. So, what are the effects of fresh figs and leaves? Find out more articles below.

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The tree is a woody plant with the scientific name Cleistocalyx Operculatus. Almost all parts of the mandarin plant can be used, but the most common is the use of fresh leaves as a drink. From time immemorial, fresh figs, leaves, and buds have been used to boil, brew as a daily drink and used to treat diseases...
Here are some of the effects of fresh figs:
1.1 Cooling off Fresh leaves after being washed are steeped with hot water into a great refreshing drink on a summer day. Scientific studies on the composition of fresh figs have shown that there are a number of minerals and vitamins in the fresh leaves.
In addition, according to oriental medicine, lime has a bitter, acrid taste, is cool, has the effect of clearing heat, so drinking fresh water can cool down after work or exercise and also add mineral salts. and vitamins.
1.2 Has antibacterial effect Substances found in fresh leaves and buds include tannins and triterpenic acid. The growth of many fungi, yeasts, bacteria and viruses was inhibited by tannins.
In addition, tannic acid is an inhibitor of food bacteria, aquatic bacteria and flavor bacteria. Several scientific studies have shown that triterpenic acid-type compounds have anti-inflammatory, blood sugar regulation, antiviral and anti-tumor activities.
Concentrated decoction of fresh lime leaves is used as an antiseptic and antibiotic to wash boils, scabies, and impetigo. A study on the antibacterial activity of the active substances present in the leaves of the plant concluded that the methanol extract of the leaves was effective against gram-positive bacteria including S. aureus, B. subtilis and S. mutans GS- 5. Water of the leaves can be used as a natural antiseptic for skin infections and infections.

Lá vối tươi được sử dụng như một chất sát trùng
Lá vối tươi được sử dụng như một chất sát trùng
1.3 Therapeutic effects of burns A test study on rats showed that the essential oil extracted from the leaves increased the rate of wound healing after 10 to 20 days with a statistically significant difference.
The results also showed that the essential oil extracted from the leaves also had a healing effect on burns and its effectiveness was higher than that of commercial tamanu oil. The histological analyzes in this study showed that the burns treated with the essential oil developed a complete epidermal structure, which indicates that the burns treated with the essential oil extracted from the leaves can be completely cured.
1.4 Cure some digestive diseases According to traditional Chinese medicine, the bitter substance in the water will help stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and protect the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, the juice of the leaves can be used to treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, chronic colitis, bloating, indigestion, and live stools.
1.5 Beneficial for pregnant or lactating women Drinking tapioca leaf juice can help enhance mammary gland function and help support better nutrient absorption and digestion during pregnancy.
However, due to its antibacterial properties, if you use it regularly, consider that it can cause blood loss and destroy beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Use dried fig leaves instead of fresh leaves to avoid the above situation.

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Quả vối giúp điều hòa chuyển hóa cholesterol trong máu

2. What is the effect of the fruit?

The active polyphenols in the water slow down the breakdown of sugar, slow down the absorption of sugar from food into the blood. Therefore, it has a long-term effect on blood sugar control, limiting postprandial hyperglycemia. The presence of beta-sitosterol component helps to regulate cholesterol metabolism in the blood, preventing complications for diabetic patients.
Water decocted from the buds or leaves have many similar active ingredients, so have similar effects. Normally, in the flowering and fruiting season, people also often combine the color of the water with the leaves and the buds of the tree.

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