Does the cookie diet work for weight loss?

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Diet with biscuits has been applied for a long time in Western countries and America. It shows the effect of losing weight quickly and without being fussy in food processing.

1. What is the cookie diet?

Cookie diet is one of the diets with sweets applied for weight loss, created by Dr. Sanford Siegal. This weight loss diet helps control hunger and reduce calorie intake in people who are on a weight loss diet.
The diet is said to be easy to follow because the diet cookies are easy to eat and have a variety of flavors to choose from such as chocolate brownie, cinnamon oatmeal, pancakes, toffee.

2. How do cookies help with weight loss?

The cookie diet is divided into two phases - weight loss and maintenance.
2.1 Weight loss phase During this phase, you need to eat 9 cookies according to Siegal's recipe every day or every dinner combined with lean meat, fish and vegetables. The cookie diet plan is organized as follows:
Breakfast: 2 cookies Breakfast: 1 cookie Snack: 1 cookie
Bánh quy
Bánh quy được dùng hằng ngày trong giai đoạn giảm cân

Lunch: 2 cookies Afternoon: 1 cookie Snack: 1 cookie Dinner: 250 grams of lean meat or fish and vegetables Snack: 1 cookie There are 9 cookies, each providing 52.5 - 60 calories, dinner food provides 500 - 700 calories. In total, each day you eat the equivalent of about 1000 - 1200 calories.
You should also eat every 2 hours to help reduce hunger as well as increase metabolism in the body. In addition to dinner and cookies, dieters should take a multivitamin supplement and drink 8 glasses of water a day.
Exercising with strenuous exercises is not necessary during this period, as dieters already have a sizable calorie deficit. However, you can do light exercise if you want, such as walking for 30 minutes up to 3 times per week.

2.2 Weight maintenance phase Weight maintenance phase is applied to people who have successfully lost weight, achieving their desired weight. The only thing left to do is maintain that weight in the long run. Diet during the maintenance phase is guided as follows:
trứng bánh quy
Kết hợp các loại thực phẩm với nhau một cách khoa học giúp duy trì cân nặng

Breakfast: Vegetable and berry omelet Snack: 1-2 biscuits between meals Lunch: 250 grams of lean meat or fish and vegetables Snack: 1-2 cookies between meals Dinner : 250 grams lean meat or fish and vegetables Optional snacks: 1 cracker if needed In addition, you should also provide 8 glasses of water a day and 3 sessions of exercise from 30-40 minutes in increasing intensity .

3. Benefits of the cookie diet

First, the cookie diet helps with weight loss in all subjects. On average, to maintain weight, men and women need to consume 2,500 and 2,000 calories per day, respectively. Losing 500 calories per day will contribute to an estimated weight loss of 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week. While the cookie diet only provides 1,000 1,200 calories per day, an estimated 0.9 - 1.35kg per week loss.
Cân nặng hằng ngày
Chế độ ăn kiêng cookie giúp mọi người duy trì cân nặng phù hợp

4. Limitations of the cookie diet

The cookie diet is poor in nutrients and provides too few calories. For healthy and sustainable weight loss, women need to eat no less than 1,200 calories per day and men no less than 1,500 calories. This diet can cause a lack of important nutrients like fiber, iron, folate, and vitamin B12. Furthermore, adopting the cookie diet resulted in a large loss of muscle mass. It also relies too heavily on processed foods and multivitamins. The cookie diet also doesn't provide long-term weight loss guidelines, but only highlights the role of cookies in the diet. Obviously not applicable forever. Finally, the cookie diet is not suitable for people following a vegan, dairy-free, or gluten-free diet, as cookies contain milk and wheat.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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