Adjusting the diet for overweight and obese children

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Obesity in children is increasing day by day due to the influence of diet, daily habits in life. The process of losing fat at this age will also be more difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to build a healthy and reasonable diet for children, reduce and avoid overweight and obesity.

1. Causes and consequences of overweight and obesity in children

Overweight is excess weight gain, relative to normal weight and height. Obesity is the accumulation of too much fat in the body.
Causes of overweight and obesity in children are due to:
Feeding children with a lot of energy in a day, children eat a lot of sweets, fats, frequent snacks Children are lazy to eat vegetables, skip breakfast and eat a lot in the evening Let children sleep too much during the day Consequences of obesity in children:
Children are self-deprecating with friends, prone to depression When obese children have difficulty functioning Cause many chronic diseases too soon for children. Obesity in children is dangerous and dangerous. If left untreated, the child will become a burden for the family and a sad thing for the child.

Thừa cân khiến trẻ dễ mắc trầm cảm
Thừa cân khiến trẻ dễ mắc trầm cảm

2. Adjusting the diet for overweight and obese children

When there are signs of obesity, parents should think about how to treat obesity in children so that when they grow up, they can be as confident as other children. Basically, with obese children, it is still necessary to provide adequate nutrients for children to develop physically. Instead, adjust your child's diet slowly and reasonably.
2.1. Diet for obese children to lose weight To lose weight for obese children, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to changing children's diets. This change needs to be done slowly and reasonably because a sudden change in nutrition will harm the normal physical development of the child. Do not let children eat greasy foods, fried foods, instead can be steamed, boiled, given children less seasoning and foods that contain both fat and sugar such as cakes, pies, etc. French fries, hot dogs, ice cream... To ensure that your child still has enough nutrients, you can replace foods with nutritious ingredients but less sugar and fat like sweet potatoes, corn. Children can eat lots of green vegetables, fruits, foods that contain a lot of fiber. During this change, milk is very necessary because milk provides necessary micronutrients for the development of children such as calcium, other vitamins and minerals that are very good for the physical development of children. Limit fatty dairy products because that is one of the culprits that cause obesity.

Bổ sung cho trẻ các sản phẩm sữa không chứa chất béo
Bổ sung cho trẻ các sản phẩm sữa không chứa chất béo

Let's increase the main meals with the family, limit the snacks so that the children get used to this. Let your child eat with the family so that the child feels happy and does not remember about the snacks. Filtered water, fruit juice is very good for children. However, you should only give your child fruit juice in moderation because drinking too much will not be good for the digestive system as well as this is a drink that increases sugar in the child's body. Limit children to drink carbonated soft drinks, and do not eat dinner before going to bed; restricting children to eat at restaurants and prepackaged foods; Families should not store junk food in the house. 2.2. Exercise regime for overweight and obese children Encourage children to participate in sports activities. Make an exercise plan for obese children to lose weight as soon as they detect signs of children. Children can practice exercises in the morning and afternoon. Focusing on children's interests, participating in sports that are easy and close to life such as walking to school, running, jumping rope, kicking soccer, badminton, shuttlecock, climbing stairs, swimming.. Should guide children to do chores at home Limit children to watch TV, phones, computers, video games...

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Khuyến khích trẻ tham gia các môn thể thao vận động

Let children practice exercises with a reasonable amount of time, do not force them to practice too much, it will make them feel uncomfortable and do not want to practice for the next time. Children should not be forced to study too much, creating conditions for children to run and jump after stressful school hours. Obesity in children causes undesirable consequences, so parents need to gradually practice a healthy lifestyle, eat appropriately, and let children exercise regularly; To weigh in at home, daily monitor the weight of the child, to avoid overweight.
Pediatrics department at Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants and young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children, ... With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that is the dedication from the doctors with professional experience with pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of the parents.

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