What is sweaty hands and feet?

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Sweating hands and feet is a normal physiological condition, especially when the ambient temperature is high, when exercising, drinking a lot of alcohol,... However, if excessive sweating of hands and feet causes excessive sweating. If you feel uncomfortable in your life or you sweat abnormally, it could be a sign of a medical condition.

1. What disease is sweaty hands and feet?

Constant sweating of hands and feet, anytime and anywhere makes you feel uncomfortable, annoying, it is most likely a sign of hyperhidrosis due to a nervous system disorder, also known as sympathetic nerve. Primary sweaty hands and feet often start when you are in school age and tend to run in families. As adults, this condition will increase and sweat in many other places such as underarms, back, face,... However, sweating hands and feet can also be a symptom of other conditions. other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, intoxication,...
Sweating hands and feet does not affect the health of the patient, but makes them extremely uncomfortable and tired, greatly affecting their daily activities. patient's life, work and study. Because the hand is used a lot in work, social communication. Excessive sweating of the hands and feet leads to limitations in career choices, as well as making patients feel self-conscious when communicating.
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2. Causes of sweaty hands and feet

Primary sweating of the hands and feet due to autonomic dysfunction, is more common than secondary sweating and is mainly localized to the palms, soles, armpits, head and face. Sweaty hands and feet begin in infancy or pre-puberty, become more severe during puberty, and persist throughout life. In addition, disorders of the nervous system and mental state also cause sweaty hands.
Secondary sweating often causes total body sweating. Some causes of secondary sweaty hands and feet are:
Vitamin and mineral deficiency: Vitamins and minerals play a very important role in the body. The lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals due to the patient using a lot of processed foods, containing many preservatives will be the cause of sweaty hands and feet in the cold season. Hyperthyroidism: The metabolic reactions in hyperthyroidism will be disturbed when the thyroid gland is overactive, causing the body to burn more calories, generate more heat, and the body to excrete more sweat. In the case of patients with increased sweating of the hands and feet due to hyperthyroidism, there are often accompanying symptoms such as palpitations, palpitations, tremors, rapid weight loss, bulging eyes,... Secondary increased sweating : due to too low temperature, frostbite, pituitary tumor, aplastic anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis,... Poisoning: due to the nature of work or some other cause that causes your body to come into direct contact with harmful chemicals from water, air, polluted environment, ... make the body poisoned. At this time, the body will react by excreting a lot of sweat to eliminate toxins from the body. In addition, there are also many studies that show that patients with sweaty hands and feet in the cold season can be an early sign of blood cancer. This is one of the types of malignant leukemia that causes disturbances in activities in the body, especially excretory activities, causing the body to appear excessive sweating of the hands and feet.
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3. What are the harmful effects of sweaty hands and feet?

Hands and feet are always wet, cool or cold all day. In some cases, patients may even feel their hands change color. Excessive sweating on the soles of the feet can lead to sweaty feet. Besides, excessive sweating of the hands causes moisture, peeling of the skin and easy fungal infections of the skin.
Sweating hands and feet does not affect the health of the patient, but it causes great effects on life such as:
Sweating hands and feet a lot makes the patient not confident and afraid to contact others. In addition, excessive sweating can cause unpleasant odors on the patient's body, making the patient's communication greatly limited. Excessive sweating makes the patient easily inhibited psychologically, impatient and affects daily life as well as at work. In addition, increased sweating of the hands and feet can also be the initial symptom of some diseases such as: Hyperthyroidism, vitamin and mineral deficiency, toxicity, aplastic anemia, tuberculosis, pituitary tumor, burns cold due to low temperature,... These diseases, if not treated early, can affect the patient's health.
In summary, sweating hands and feet can be caused by autonomic disorders or symptoms of some diseases such as hyperthyroidism, toxicity, endocrine disorders,... Sweating hands and feet has no effect. affects health but has a significant impact on life and work. Treatment for sweaty hands and feet depends on the cause. Secondary sweating of the hands and feet requires definitive treatment of acquired diseases. Primary sweating due to autonomic dysfunction will be treated with sympathetic ganglion burning.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, the treatment of sweating hands and feet caused by autonomic nervous system disorders is performed by endoscopic sympathectomy, in order to reduce excessive sweating of the hands and feet. Experienced doctors with modern equipment. Patients will be screened before, during surgery, and checked and monitored after surgery according to the international standard treatment protocol. The thoracic endoscopic method for treating sweaty hands and feet has given outstanding results: Instant effect, one-time surgery for long-term effects, high aesthetics, safety and short hospital stay. . The advantages of laparoscopic sympathectomy are low cost, short hospital stay, drier limbs after surgery, early and convenient return to life as well as increased self-confidence. sick.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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