Why are armpits dark during pregnancy?

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During pregnancy, a woman's body has many obvious changes, some parts of the body become darker, including the phenomenon of dark armpits during pregnancy. Although this condition does not affect health, it greatly affects the beauty and confidence of pregnant women during pregnancy. So what is dark underarms and what are the causes of dark underarms during pregnancy?

1. What is armpit?

Dark underarms during pregnancy are quite common for most women during pregnancy. Underarm darkening during pregnancy is a condition in which the skin in the armpit area suddenly becomes darker than it was before pregnancy. This phenomenon may improve after a woman gives birth.
Dark underarms during pregnancy do not pose any danger to the health of the mother and baby, this condition only causes discomfort in the mother's daily activities, making the mother feel self-conscious because of the darkened skin. black on body.

2. Causes of dark underarms during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormones such as estrogen or progesterone in a woman's body have a significant increase, which will stimulate the formation of melanin pigments, causing the skin surface to become thin and change color. from white pink to dark black quickly, leading to dark underarms during pregnancy.
Besides, not only in the armpit but also in the folds of the mother's body are more prone to darkening such as the neck, groin, groin. Especially in the neck and armpit areas, which are exposed to the sun a lot, they are easy to become darker and more obvious. In some mothers, the placenta will secrete hormones that also increase skin pigmentation, making the skin all over the body darker.
Thâm nách khi mang thai
Tình trạng bị thâm nách khi mang thai xảy ra khá phổ biến

3. How to improve dark underarms during pregnancy

Pregnant women with dark underarms during pregnancy should not be too worried because these bruises will quickly fade after childbirth thanks to the balance of hormones, then the skin will be brighter and return to the old skin color. , no longer blackened. However, if you feel uncomfortable with this phenomenon, then try applying some of the following ways to help reduce dark underarms during pregnancy:

3.1. Vitamin E combined with coconut oil

Vitamin E and coconut oil are extremely benign, safe and hypoallergenic ingredients for pregnant women's skin. At the same time, these are also considered to be two extremely effective herbs to treat dark underarms, including dark underarms during pregnancy.
Pregnant women who want to apply this method just need to mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 vitamin E tablet together, then clean and moisten the skin of the armpits, apply the mixture to the skin and gently massage for 5 minutes, leave it on. for 10 minutes for the nutrients to penetrate deeply, then rinse with clean water, and finally wipe the armpit area with a soft cotton towel.
The best time to apply a mixture of Vitamin E and coconut oil is before bathing, pregnant women need to apply this method daily for the best effect.

3.2. Combine turmeric, flour, yogurt, milk

A mixture of turmeric, flour, yogurt and milk has the effect of making the skin white, smooth, and improving underarm darkening during pregnancy. These are all benign ingredients, suitable for use as a skin care mask for pregnant women, helping to remove dark and dark skin patches.
When done, pregnant women need to mix turmeric powder, flour, unsweetened fresh milk and yogurt together, the dose is 1 teaspoon each and then apply the mixture on the armpits, let it dry completely and wait another 20 minutes , Then rinse with warm water.

3.3. Lemon juice and cucumber (cucumber)

Cucumber has a very good astringent effect on the pores in the armpit area, and it is also benign for the skin of pregnant women.
Pregnant women need to mix lemon juice and cucumber juice together in a ratio of 1:1, then apply it on the underarm skin, wait for about 25 minutes and then wash it off with cool water. The mixture of lemon juice and cucumber will help to lighten the underarm skin of pregnant mothers, remove the pigmentation of the skin under the arms extremely quickly.

3.4. Treat dark underarms during pregnancy with tomatoes

Many pregnant women have applied the treatment of dark underarms during pregnancy with tomatoes and achieved unexpected results with just simple steps: cut tomatoes into thin slices and then apply round to the armpits for about 10 minutes, rinse off with warm water. Pregnant women should do it once a day before bathing to quickly brighten the underarm skin.
Thâm nách khi mang thai
Trị thâm nách khi mang thai bằng cà chua

3.5. Treat dark underarms during pregnancy with potatoes

Potato juice also works to treat dark underarms during pregnancy very well, pregnant women just need to apply potato juice to the underarm skin about 30 minutes before bathing, the pores in the armpit area will tighten and become whiter.

3.5. Use mung bean powder to treat dark underarms during pregnancy

Green bean powder has an effective and quite benign effect on dark underarms for most pregnant women. Pregnant women need to mix green bean powder, yogurt, turmeric powder and lemon juice together and apply it on the armpits for 45 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Follow this method continuously for 1 month, the darkened skin in the armpits will improve significantly.
Dark underarms during pregnancy do not affect health, but make pregnant women lose confidence. Therefore, you can apply ways to reduce dark underarms with the above natural ingredients to avoid affecting the health of the fetus.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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