Egg white is not only a nutritional food but also a very good supplement for our skin. The egg white mask is safe to use, cheap, and easy to make, making it a great choice that can help women's skin always maintain its youthfulness and firmness.
1. Skin benefits of egg white mask
Egg whites contain water, protein, trace elements (iron, phosphorus), and B vitamins (such as vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5 and vitamin B6),... Egg whites are very good for both our health and the skin. An egg yolk mask can tighten pores, reduce sebum secretion, and prevent acne.
Besides, egg masks also help to fade wrinkles as vitamin B in egg white helps to whiten skin effectively. When combining egg whites with other ingredients such as honey, turmeric, fresh lemon, etc, we will have a wonderful mixture, helping to firm and make the skin look young.
Another advantage of egg white masks is that they are safe, less irritating, cheap, easy to make. However, egg white has a slight tangy smell, so to make a relaxing and comfortable mask, you need to combine it with other ingredients with a more pleasant aroma.

2. How to make egg white masks
With the following recipes, you can make simple but extremely good egg white masks for the skin:
2.1. Egg white and honey mask to reduce acne, moisturize the skin
Beat an egg white with lemon juice until frothy and then mix well with honey. If you have sensitive, easily irritated skin, do not mix lemon in the mask.
Wash your face thoroughly with warm water, apply the mask mixture evenly on the skin and keep it for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse the skin with warm water. The mask helps to balance and provide moisture to the skin, honey has good antibacterial properties to help treat acne effectively. Before applying the mask, you should apply a little of the mixture on the skin near the wrist to see if there is any irritation, then apply to the face. Using egg white and honey mask 3 times per week will help the skin smooth, healthily shine, fade wrinkles and blurred signs of aging.
2.2. Egg white and yogurt mask
Mix egg white and 1 tablespoon yogurt, then apply the mixture on the face and neck, gently massage the skin for about 10 minutes. Continue to let the mixture dry on the skin for about 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly water.
Egg and yogurt masks help to remove dead cells, reduce the risk of acne due to clogged pores, and at the same time help firm, whiten skin.
2.3. Mask of egg whites with oats
Beat an egg white until frothy, then mix 2 tablespoons of oats to form a smooth paste. Apply the mixture on your face, wait 20 minutes, then wash it off. Your skin will feel tighter and naturally glowing.
In addition to the skin care effect of eggs, this mask also has oats with the ability to clean the skin very well, stimulating blood circulation. You should use the egg white and oat mask 2-3 times per week for the best effect.
2.4. Egg white mask with turmeric powder
Beat an egg white until frothy, add turmeric and continue to mix well. Clean the skin, then apply the mixture evenly, leave for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water.
Turmeric powder helps to regenerate, brighten, smoothen skin, reduce acne and fade scars. With the skin care effect of egg whites, the mask provides optimal skin care.

3. Precautions when using egg white mask
Egg white masks are very ideal for women. However, to use egg white mask effectively, you need to keep in mind these:
- Only apply a sufficient amount of egg white mask on your face, not too thin or too thick. It is important that you do it regularly and consistently.
- If you only apply an egg mask once a week, the nutrients provided are not enough to nourish the skin for the next 6 days, so it is not very effective. However, if you apply a mask every day, it will lead the skin not to absorb all the nutrients, which is an adverse effect.
Therefore, it is best to apply it only 2-3 times a week. - Before applying the mask, it is necessary to wash your face thoroughly to remove dirt, making it easier for the skin to absorb nutrients. Use rose water after applying the mask to tighten pores and firmer skin. Moisturizer can be applied to dry skin.
- After applying the mask, the skin is very delicate, easily burned under the sun, so it is not recommended to expose the skin to the sun. The best time to apply an egg mask is in the evening before going to bed, this is the time when the skin and body are rested, so it is easier to absorb nutrients.
- If you make an egg mask with an ingredient that your skin is allergic to, don't worry, try combining egg whites with others. To reduce the risk of allergies, before applying any mask, test a small amount of the mixture on the back of your hand, wait for about 15 minutes. If there are no abnormal symptoms, you can safely use it.
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