How to treat a chubby face caused by weight gain medication?


Hello pharmacist! I am 21 years old. When I was a child, I was very thin and wanted to improve my weight. Therefore, 3 years ago, I bought a weight-gain supplement online called ‘’ Trùng thảo sâm nhung...'. I just drank 1 bottle and gained 3 kg. When I stopped taking the medicine, I did not lose weight, but my face became very fat. Now, 3 years later, my weight is still 38 kg, but my face is so fat that I have a "double chin”. Could  you advise me on how to treat my face being fat due to taking weight gain medicine? Thank you very much.
Anonymous question


Hello. For this question: “How to treat chubby face caused by weight gain medication?’’ the pharmacist advises as follows:
The worst case is that the weight gain supplement you took contained corticosteroids, which caused salt and water retention, making your face fatter. But you postponed it 3 years ago. It is also eliminated from your body, so it is not due to the medication now.
The matter of being slim or overweight depends on each person's body, diet, and physical activity. Moreover, I don’t know if you’re currently taking any other medication, so I can not draw a conclusion.
Thank you for your trust and giving questions to Vinmec. Best regards!
Answered by Pharmacist Quang Ánh Nguyệt - Head Pharmacist - Department of Pharmacy - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

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