Use caution when taking anti-constipation drugs

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When suffering from frequent constipation, the use of anti-constipation drugs is the choice of many people. However, if used improperly, it can be dangerous to health. Therefore, when you intend to use these drugs, you need to learn carefully to avoid the harmful effects of drugs on the body.

1. Anti-constipation drugs are commonly used today

To cure constipation or prevent constipation, laxatives are the most commonly used products. The main use of the drug is to stimulate bowel movements, shorten the transit time of waste in the intestinal tract, support softening stools to help patients defecate more easily.
Currently, there are 4 common types of constipation medicine based on the symptoms and severity of the disease that the doctor will prescribe to use accordingly.
Bulk-forming laxatives: Treating constipation with drugs will provide fiber to the body to soften stools and increase bowel movements to help patients pass stools more easily. When constipated, if the patient is taking a laxative, the mass will take effect after about 6-12 hours; Osmotic laxatives: The mechanism of action of the drug is to increase the moisture in the waste so that it can move more easily in the intestinal tract, so that the body will expel it. However, patients need to wait 2-3 days after taking the drug to receive the desired effect. Stool softener enema: The mechanism of action of the drug is to reduce the surface tension of the waste, making it easier for the stool to absorb water for easy elimination. However, it will take 12 - 72 hours for the drug to take effect. Stimulant laxatives: The drug will stimulate the intestinal lining to help shorten the patient's bowel movement time. You will need to wait 6-12 hours for the medicine to take effect. In addition, some other laxatives, although less common, also help improve constipation:
Salt laxatives: The main use is to empty the intestines and are often indicated for use in cases of constipation. preparation for surgery. Lubricating laxatives: The main use is to reduce the amount of water absorbed in the intestinal tract. Prokinetic laxatives: Often used in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, chronic idiopathic constipation.

2. Some risks when using anti-constipation drugs in the wrong way

In fact, anti-constipation drugs are not always effective for treating constipation. If the drug is used in the wrong way, the patient will be at risk of facing the following problems:
Severe dehydration with typical signs such as dizziness, trembling limbs, body loss of strength, kidney damage, the worst can be may lead to death. Imbalance of minerals and electrolytes, the most important of which is potassium. According to experts, minerals and electrolytes are both important factors for the functioning of organs in the body, so the disorder will affect the muscles, nervous system, heart and colon. Visceral damage causes the colon to stretch, which in turn becomes thin and inert, increasing the risk of colon infections, colon cancer and liver damage. Using too much anti-constipation will make the colon "inert". When constipated, the patient will often have to take the drug at a higher dose, even in some cases, it has to be taken continuously to have a bowel movement.

3. Some notes to help prevent and treat constipation effectively

To ensure the effectiveness as well as safety when using drugs for constipation, patients should note:
Each type of laxative will be suitable for each cause of constipation, so patients need to consult their doctor. doctor before use. Before using should read carefully the instructions for use, do not use the drug when having peptic ulcer, people with Crohn's disease, pregnant women, ... Only use the drug as prescribed by the doctor, do not take an overdose. or drug abuse can produce dangerous side effects. In case you have taken medicine but your constipation does not improve, you need to visit and treat at a medical facility. When noticing unusual symptoms after taking laxatives, patients also need to see a doctor as soon as possible. According to the recommendations of specialists, if constipation is not too severe, you do not need to seek the help of laxatives. Instead, you can completely solve constipation by adopting a healthier lifestyle and eating menu including:
Should eat more fiber-rich foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables green vegetables, whole grains. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water/day to lubricate the intestines, stimulate the digestive system and soften stools; If you have to sit for a long time at work, for example, an office worker, try to take a moment to take advantage of walking, gentle exercise because sitting for too long in one position can also cause constipation. Should maintain a habit of physical activity, regularly exercise, do sports every day with appropriate exercises. to gut health. In general, anti-constipation or constipation drugs have certain uses, but if abused, there are many potential risks. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the instructions for use as well as the prescription of the specialist as well as change the healthier lifestyle to prevent constipation.

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