Is laparoscopic appendicitis painful?

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Many patients diagnosed with appendicitis need early surgery but still wonder if laparoscopic appendectomy will be painful, for fear that postoperative pain may affect health and work.

1. Laparoscopic surgery for appendicitis

Laparoscopic appendicitis is a laparoscopic technique indicated to remove an inflamed appendix or some other pathology such as appendiceal mucinous tumor.
Appendicitis is a condition in which the appendix becomes swollen and festers. This is considered an urgent medical condition, requiring surgery for appendicitis as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk that the appendix will perforate or rupture, spreading bacteria inside the abdominal cavity and potentially leading to death.
To perform laparoscopic surgery, the doctor will inject carbon dioxide to inflate the abdomen with appropriate pressure to create an operating space, the image obtained through a dedicated camera is displayed on the screen. The surgeon looks inside the abdomen to perform an appendectomy.
Laparoscopic appendectomy is usually performed together with good management of peritoneal cavity lesions (localized or the entire peritoneal cavity) for cases where the appendix has ruptured pus, causing Pelvic fossa, pelvis is contaminated or pus spreads in the abdomen, causing generalized peritonitis, the treatment will be more complicated and prolonged.

2. Is laparoscopic appendectomy painful?

Cắt ruột thừa nội soi ổ bụng được coi là phương pháp tối ưu nhất trong mổ viêm ruột thừa hiện nay
Cắt ruột thừa nội soi ổ bụng được coi là phương pháp tối ưu nhất trong mổ viêm ruột thừa hiện nay
In fact, many patients go to the doctor and are diagnosed with appendicitis, which requires early surgery but are hesitant because they wonder if laparoscopic appendectomy is painful and can cause complications after surgery.
In the current methods of appendicitis surgery, laparoscopic appendectomy is considered the most optimal method with outstanding advantages compared to open surgery, less pain, high aesthetics and recovery time. shorter after surgery. In addition, whether laparoscopic appendectomy is painful and the degree of pain after appendectomy also depends in part on the qualifications of the doctor performing, the quality of the equipment, the care process. post-surgery and the patient's diet, activities and exercise during the recovery period.

3. Monitoring and managing complications after laparoscopic appendectomy

Use of antibiotics after surgery: Oral or parenteral use, according to the principle of broad-spectrum antibiotics, can be combined with metronidazole; Pain relief after surgery: Often used paracetamol in combination with tramadol; Post-operative monitoring: Timely detection and control of complications including bleeding, pain, infection, side effects of anesthesia such as vomiting, dizziness, headache,...; When the patient has no symptoms of bleeding, pain and is well controlled after surgery, the hospital can be discharged. Re-examination after 07 days.

4. Laparoscopic appendectomy at Vinmec

Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec hiện đã làm chủ kỹ thuật cắt ruột thừa nội soi cho bệnh nhân viêm ruột thừa với những ưu điểm
Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec hiện đã làm chủ kỹ thuật cắt ruột thừa nội soi cho bệnh nhân viêm ruột thừa với những ưu điểm

Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has mastered the laparoscopic appendectomy technique for appendicitis patients with advantages such as:
Directly examined by a team of experienced doctors and professors , treatment; Closed examination process, quick procedure, quick diagnosis, saving time; Professional, caring, enthusiastic, friendly team of nurses and nurses; Equipped with the most modern machinery and equipment system, safe and effective surgery, quick recovery, maximum pain relief, limiting the risk of complications after laparoscopic appendectomy; The hospital environment meets medical service standards, civilized and modern. Master. Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Thang has 17 years of experience in the field of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary surgery, and over 9 years of endoscopic interventional experience, especially the technique of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. ERCP) with over 800 cases.

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