Vinmec brings the first American-standard cardiovascular treatment model to Vietnam

From August 2019, Vinmec Central Park International Hospital (Ho Chi Minh City) has applied comprehensive cardiovascular treatment model, which enables early diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment (service line). This outstanding model improves treatment efficiency, substantially reduces length of hospital stay and costs. It has also been implemented at leading Cardiovascular centers in America and many other developed countries.

Comprehensive treatment package is one of the activities to facilitate the patient-centered care at Vinmec International Hospital. Instead of having only one attending physician or a specialty physician as before, a professional team involving doctors from different specialties and nurses is established, which will agree on the direction of patient care and implement a comprehensive treatment plan for the patient.

Applying the service line model in cardiovascular treatment, Vinmec Central Park Hospital uses multi-specialty group of doctors (cardiologist, interventional cardiologist, cardiothoracic surgeon, anesthesiologist, cardiac intensivist, radiologist, laboratory professional, nutritionist, etc., depending on each disease type) in joint consultation for early, accurate diagnosis. Patients at Vinmec will be then treated with standard treatment plan, with high efficiency, short recovery time and reasonable costs. The reason is that when patients have access to the optimal treatment regimen, they can avoid trying different treatments, which are costly and time-consuming.

Patients at Vinmec have early, accurate diagnosis and standard treatment plan, with high efficiency, short recovery time and reasonable cost
Patients at Vinmec have early, accurate diagnosis and standard treatment plan, with high efficiency, short recovery time and reasonable cost

The cardiovascular treatment package will be utilized in 4 techniques: Percutaneous aortic valve replacement (TAVI), percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting and ventricular septal defect surgery. When one of these four treatment methods is indicated, the hospital will consult and help patient to sign contract for the treatment package. The advantage of this model is that patients will have a comprehensive treatment and care which is in accordance with the standards of prestigious cardiovascular associations in the world. The contract also specifies treatment methods, length of stay, number of follow-up examination and costs.

“These four cardiovascular interventions and surgeries are all complex techniques, which are categorized as high cost cardiovascular procedures. This service line model not only brings outstanding advantages to patients, but also many benefits to hospitals, by standardizing treatment regimens, improving treatment effectiveness, and optimizing resources. That is the reason why the model has been used in leading American Cardiovascular Centers such as Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Pennsylvania, etc. and been expanding to many other developed countries ", said Le Quoc Su, M.D, Ph.D, CEO of Vinmec Central Park Hospital.

It is expected that after utilizing the model in these four techniques, Vinmec will continue to research and replicate this model to other high-cost cardiovascular techniques as well as complex diseases of other specialties.

Vinmec Central Park Hospital utilizes Hybrid operating rooms, which are equipped with many modern devices in order to facilitate advanced surgeries, especially cardiovascular procedures and surgeries
Vinmec Central Park Hospital utilizes Hybrid operating rooms, which are equipped with many modern devices in order to facilitate advanced surgeries, especially cardiovascular procedures and surgeries

Since its inception, Vinmec Central Park has emphasized on Cardiology as a focus investment with modern equipment and well-trained human resources. Having mastered many of the most advanced cardiovascular treatment techniques in the world today, Vinmec Central Park’s Heart Center has been successful in over 98% of TAVI cases, open heart surgery, open heart surgery using ESP block, even with severe, elderly patients.

Vinmec Central Park’s Heart Center has been successful in over 98% of TAVI cases, open heart surgery, open heart surgery using ESP block, even with severe, elderly patients
Vinmec Central Park’s Heart Center has been successful in over 98% of TAVI cases, open heart surgery, open heart surgery using ESP block, even with severe, elderly patients

The above success is the foundation for Vinmec Central Park to reach its goal of becoming the leading cardiovascular center in the region, providing patients in Vietnam with effective treatment with reasonable costs so that people do not have to travel abroad for medical treatment.

Clients can call our Customer Service via Hotline number 0898 563 189 or register IN HERE to make an appointment at Vinmec International Hospital.

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