What is Ventinat used for?

Ventinat medicine has the main ingredient is Sucralfate, which has the effect of protecting the mucosa, minimizing the uncomfortable symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. In addition, the drug also has the effect of preventing the recurrence of duodenal ulcers, preventing ulcers caused by stress.

1. What does Ventinat do? The drug Ventinat is usually indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, benign ulcers, chronic gastritis; Prevention of recurrence of duodenal ulcer, prevention of stress ulcer; Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux condition - oesophagus; Besides, there are also some other effects of Ventinat that are not listed on the drug label, but your doctor can order you to take it when needed. Patients should only take the drug when prescribed by a doctor.

2. When should Ventinat be taken? An important note in treatment with Ventinat is: Take the drug only on an empty stomach, before eating. Dosage depends on the goal of treatment, the form of the disease and the severity of the disease. Here are some suggestions for using drugs for reference:
2.1. Duodenal ulcer treatment To treat duodenal ulcer, the patient takes 2 sachets/time, twice a day in the morning and before going to bed. It should be noted that small ulcers need to be treated for 4 weeks, and large ulcers need to be treated for 8 weeks.
2.2. Treatment of benign gastric ulcers To treat benign gastric ulcers, the patient takes 1 sachet/time, 4 times/day. Treatment should last from 6-8 weeks until endoscopic observation shows that the ulcer has completely healed. In addition, patients need to be treated to eliminate H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) at least with the antibiotics Metronidazol and Amoxicillin, in combination with Sucralfate and some anti-acid drugs (such as histamine H2 inhibitors, pump inhibitors). protons...).
Thuốc Ventinat thường được chỉ định dùng trong các trường hợp viêm loét dạ dày - tá tràng

2.3. Prevention of duodenal ulcer recurrence For the purpose of preventing duodenal ulcer recurrence, patients need to take 1 sachet/time, twice a day. The duration of the drug should not be longer than 6 months.
In the case of duodenal ulcer that still recurs due to H. pylori, a new course of treatment with Sucralfate-containing medicine in combination with antibiotics is required to eliminate this bacteria.
2.4. Treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease To treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, the patient takes 1 sachet/time, 4 times a day, 1 hour before each meal and at bedtime.
Before using Ventinat, users should carefully read the instructions for use and discuss with their doctor or pharmacist if there are any questions that arise during the use of the drug.

3. Ventinat side effects. Contraindications and precautions 3.1. Side effects of the drug In some cases, patients taking Ventinat may experience side effects such as:
Common: constipation Rare: gastrointestinal disturbances (diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, flatulence) , upset stomach, indigestion, dry mouth...), hypersensitivity reactions (skin itching, red rash, Quincke's edema, rhinitis, difficulty breathing, laryngospasm, enlarged face...), problems neurological problems (dizziness, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia...), headache, back pain, foreign body in the stomach. If you experience any of the above undesirable effects, users should temporarily stop taking the drug and notify the doctor immediately.
3.2. Contraindications To avoid complications and unwanted side effects, do not use Ventinat for the following cases:
People with signs of sensitivity to any of its ingredients; Patients with renal impairment should be used with caution because Ventinat has a risk of increasing serum aluminum concentrations, especially with long-term use. Patients with severe renal impairment should best avoid use; People who often drive, operate machinery should not take the drug in times of need to be awake because Ventinat can cause some unwanted effects such as: dizziness, drowsiness, dangerous.
Bệnh nhân dùng thuốc Ventinat có thể gặp phải các tác dụng phụ như táo bón

4. Drug Interactions Some drugs can interact with Ventinat and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, patients should avoid taking Ventinat at the same time as the following drugs:
Antacid: should be used 30 minutes before or after taking Sucralfate; Drugs such as: Cimetidine, Warfarin, Phenytoin, Tetracycline, Ranitidine, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Norfloxacin, Digoxin may be reduced absorption when taken with Sucralfate. Therefore, these drugs should be taken 2 hours before or after taking Sucralfate. The article has provided basic information to help readers answer the question: "What is the use of Ventinat?", however, in order to use the drug properly, the patient should go to a specialized hospital to be diagnosed and diagnosed by a doctor. direct drug use.
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