What is Neurobion?

Neurobion is the name of a drug containing high doses of 3 neurotropic vitamins B1, B6 and B12. These vitamins play an essential role in metabolism in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. So what is Neurobion and what should be noted when using it?

1. What is Neurobion?

Neurobion is a drug manufactured by PT. Merck Tbk, the main ingredient includes 3 types of vitamins B1, B6 and B12. These vitamins are known as neurotropic vitamins with the following uses:
Vitamin B1: Plays a very important role in metabolism; Vitamin B6 : Able to support nerve pain relief; Vitamin B12: An essential component in the production of blood cells and preventing degeneration of the nervous system. Neurobion is prepared in 2 forms: sugar coated tablets and ampoules for injection:
Neurobion sugar coated tablets: Round, white, 2 convex faces, each tablet contains 100 mg vitamin B1, 200 mg vitamin B6 and 200 mcg vitamin B12. Besides, Neurobion is packaged in the following specifications: Box of 5 blisters, each blister contains 10 sugar coated tablets; Neurobion ampoule for injection, each tube contains 100mg Vitamin B1, 100mg Vitamin B6 and 1000cg Vitamin B12.
neurobion là thuốc gì
Neurobion là thuốc gì? Neurobion là thuốc vitamin hướng thần kinh

2. What are the effects of Neurobion?

What does Neurobion do? This drug is usually prescribed by a doctor for the following cases:
Some peripheral nerve disorders that these 3 vitamins can affect, including: polyneuritis, neuralgia, neuropathic pain sciatica , back - lumbar pain, shoulder - arm syndrome, intercostal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, numbness of extremities...; Supports nerve pain relief; polyneuropathy caused by diabetes, the effects of certain drugs or alcoholism; Supportive treatment for joint pain relief; Some disorders caused by vitamin B1, B6, B12 deficiency such as beriberi disease, iron deficiency anemia, convulsions in children due to pyridoxine deficiency...; Neurobion ampoules for injection are indicated in the treatment of herpes zoster.

3. Neurobion pharmacokinetics and pharmacokinetics

All 3 vitamins B1, B6 and B12 play an important role in the normal metabolism of nerve cells, and the combination of 3 types in Neurobion has been shown to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. compared with the use of individual vitamins alone.
Vitamins B1, B6, B12 in Neurobion medicine both promote the individual activities of each type and combine with each other through biochemical links, thereby creating many special meanings in the metabolism of the nervous system. . This issue also reinforces the superior therapeutic effect of the dosage form that combines these vitamins in Neurobion.
Some animal studies show that a combination of B vitamins supports faster repair of damaged nerve fibers, while also enhancing muscle recovery and muscle strength. .
In some painful diseases in mice, studies have shown that the combination of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 has a very effective anti-pain effect and this effect is even more effective when used individually. separate vitamins. In addition, bioelectrical studies have shown direct effects of B vitamins on pain pathways in the spinal cord or thalamus, which may explain the loss or decrease of sensation in patients. clinical pain.
Pharmacokinetics, studies show no evidence that the combined use of vitamins B1, B6, B12 adversely affects the pharmacokinetics of individual vitamins.

4. Dosage and usage of Neurobion

Dosage of Neurobion for adults:
Sugar coated tablets: Used for mild to moderate disease or can be taken during the interval between injections. Specific dosage is 3 tablets / day divided into 3 times; Syringe for injection: Indicated for severe cases with a dose of 1 ampoule/day until symptoms subside. Then switch to using 2-3 ampoules/week. Neurobion drug dosage for children: This drug is not suitable for use in young children because of the relatively high content of vitamins.
Some notes on dosage and usage of Neurobion:
The duration of drug use depends on the level and response of the case or as directed by the doctor; With sugar coated tablets, patients need to drink with filtered water, maybe before or after meals and be careful not to crush or chew the tablets; With Neurobion injection will be performed by medical staff through intramuscular route; Patients using the drug must strictly comply with the doctor's instructions, do not arbitrarily use more or less than the dose and do not stop the drug without the doctor's permission.
neurobion là thuốc gì
"Neurobion là thuốc gì?" là thắc mắc của nhiều người khi sử dụng thuốc

5. What are the side effects of Neurobion?

Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are all water-soluble, so when taken into the body, they will be eliminated by the kidneys and according to current statistics, it is very rare to encounter unwanted side effects.
However, a few cases of using Neurobion have experienced hangover, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea or some manifestations due to allergic reactions such as rash, urticaria, itchy skin, red skin, skin blistering and peeling. If severe, it may be accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarseness, swelling of the face with or without fever.
The prolonged use of vitamin B6 (over 2 months) with high doses above 1g/day can lead to severe peripheral neuropathy with unsteady gait, numbness of the limbs. Although this condition can be reversed when the patient stops taking the drug, it will still more or less leave some sequelae.
In the course of use, if the patient encounters unwanted effects of the drug, it is necessary to stop and promptly notify the doctor or go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

6. Some notes when using Neurobion

Some contraindications to the use of Neurobion:
Patient history of allergy or hypersensitivity to the ingredients in the drug; Malignant diseases; Caution is advised when vitamin B6 is used concurrently with Levodopa (a medicine used to treat Parkinson's disease). For special subjects such as pregnant or lactating women, the use of Neurobion is still allowed. However, if pregnant women use high doses of vitamin B6 for a long time, it can cause drug dependence syndrome in the newborn. In addition, Neurobion may be excreted in human milk, the risks of overdose for the neonate are unknown, however, high doses of vitamin B6 (more than 600 mg daily) may cause a decrease or loss of breast milk.
Some interactions of Neurobion drugs:
Levodopa: Decreased effect when used concurrently with vitamin B6: Pyridoxine: Reduces effectiveness of vitamin B6; Loop diuretics (furosemide) prolonged use with Neurobion may cause a decrease in blood levels of thiamin. Neurobion is the name of a drug containing high doses of 3 neurotropic vitamins B1, B6 and B12. To ensure effective use and avoid unwanted side effects, patients should carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor before use.
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