What is Infogos?

Infogos is a product that helps to support the treatment and prevention of constipation, digestive disorders, diarrhea, indigestion, ... in children, adults and pregnant women. To help you get the most out of Infogos, you need to adhere to the correct dosage and frequency of use as recommended by your doctor.

1. What is Infogos?

Many users wonder if Infogos is good and what is Infogos? According to experts, Infogos is a functional food that helps supplement the amount of fiber needed by the body, thereby helping patients with constipation effectively overcome their condition. Infogos is a product of IAP - Vietnam and is made in the form of a powder package.
In each packet of Infogos fiber contains 3 soluble fiber components that play an important role in the body, including:
Inunline 900mg. GOS 900mg. FOS content 900mg. Some other excipients are just enough.

2. Indications and uses of Infogos

2.1. Indications to use Infogos Drug Infogos is usually indicated for use in the following cases:
Effective and safe constipation prevention through fiber supplementation. Supports the treatment of digestive disorders, diarrhea, indigestion or bloating. Indicated for use in people with a weak immune system. 2.2. Uses of Infogos To understand the benefits of Infogos, let's find out in detail the role of the fiber components contained in each pack:
Inuline: Keep the function of providing essential nutrients for the body. beneficial bacteria grow, thereby helping to support the decomposition of waste, soften stools, and supplement probiotics for the intestinal system and effectively prevent constipation. In addition, the inuline component in Infogos also inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria, helps prevent inflammation in the body and enhances the health of the immune system. FOS: Plays a role in promoting the growth of some beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, thereby helping to reverse constipation, diarrhea and improve high cholesterol levels in the blood. Through the fermentation process in the large intestine, the FOS ingredient in the Infogos package also helps stimulate the production of water and gas, contributing to softening and sponging stools, helping stools move more easily, thereby preventing constipation effectively. fruit. GOS: Is a source of nutrients for beneficial bacteria living in the intestinal tract, helping them to grow to perform well the task of protecting the digestive system. In addition, GOS also has the ability to increase nutrient absorption and inhibit some bacteria that cause pathogens in the body. Not only that, the GOS in Infogos also helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease and supports improving resistance.

3. Dosage and how to use Infogos

3.1. Dosage Infogos Drug Infogos can be used suitable for both children, adults and pregnant women with digestive disorders or need additional fiber. Below is the recommended dose of Infogos as directed by the doctor:
Dosage for children: Take 1-2 times / day, 1 pack / time. Dosage for adults and pregnant women: Take 2-3 times / day, 1 pack / time. 3.2. How to use Infogos For Infogos, it is relatively simple to use like other powdered drugs. Specifically:
Medicine mixed with warm water has just enough capacity to drink, should be used after eating. Take each course of Infogos about 3-4 weeks and 2-3 times / year. Avoid taking in excess of the prescribed dose, which can easily cause unnecessary excess of fiber, which is both a waste of nutrients and harmful to health. 3.3. How to deal with an overdose or missed dose of Infogos? For Infogos overdose:
Currently, there are no data reported on Infogos overdose to support the treatment of constipation. However, if you notice any unusual reactions after taking an overdose, you should stop taking the product and seek medical attention immediately.
If you forget to take a dose of Infogos
If you miss a dose of Infogos digestive aid, take it as soon as you remember. However, if the missed dose is too close to your next dose, skip it and take it as scheduled. Note that do not arbitrarily double the recommended dose of the drug, because this can potentially cause many health risks.

4. Is Infogos good?

In fact, whether the drug Infogos is good depends on many different factors such as the patient's condition, location and adherence to the treatment process. In addition, to achieve the optimal effect when using Infogos powder, patients need to make sure to do the following things:
Follow a healthy, scientific and adequate diet, and combine rest. Get enough rest, avoid overwork or prolonged stress. Regular exercise every day helps support and promote a smoother metabolism. Not only that, exercise also works to enhance the elimination of toxins from the body.

5. Side effects when taking Infogos

Currently, there are no specific reports of Infogos side effects. Most drugs are considered safe for children, pregnant women, and adults. However, in the process of using Infogos constipation support medicine, you need to monitor your health carefully to detect early signs of abnormalities. If you suspect symptoms related to Infogos, you should immediately inform your doctor for assistance.

6. Some notes when using Infogos

6.1. What precautions should be taken while taking Infogos? Before, during and after using Infogos, users need to be cautious of the following:
Infogos powder should not be used by people with a history of inuline allergy, FOS, GOS or hypersensitivity to any of the excipients. in medicine. This is only a functional food to help support the treatment of constipation, so it is not able to replace other specific medicines. Before using Infogos, you need to carefully check the product registration number as well as the expiry date printed on the package, avoid using the medicine when it has expired. When it is imperative to use Infogos together with some other disease-modifying drugs, you need to carefully monitor for unusual signs, side effects or interactions between drugs. Before deciding to use Infogos, you should tell your doctor if you have a history of kidney disease, heart disease, liver problems or alcoholism. 6.2. Interactions of Infogos with other pharmaceutical products Infogos drugs rarely interact with other pharmaceutical products. To prevent drug interactions, patients should tell their doctor about all medications or medications they are taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and foods. other function or herbal.
6.3. Infogos drug storage conditions To ensure the quality of Infogos drugs, the product preservation process plays an extremely important role. Here are the instructions for storing Infogos powder as recommended by a healthcare professional:
Store the Infogos fiber supplement pack in a cool, dry place, ideally below 25 degrees Celsius. Keep the product out of sight and reach of small children and pets. Do not place the Infogos constipation aid in an area with high humidity or heat. These conditions can very easily affect the quality of the drug, thereby reducing the ability to treat constipation. Infogos is a product that helps to support the treatment and prevention of constipation, digestive disorders, diarrhea, indigestion, ... in children, adults and pregnant women. To help you get the most out of Infogos, you need to adhere to the correct dosage and frequency of use as recommended by your doctor.
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