What is Hadocort?

Hadocort is an ENT spray with the trade name Hadocort - D, which is indicated to support the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases. Hadocort medicine contains antibiotic ingredients, so it should be used with caution and under the guidance of a doctor. To better understand other information about this spray, readers can refer to the article below to understand the dose and how to use the drug properly.

1. Necessary information about Hadocort . ENT spray

Hadocort medicine is produced in the form of ENT spray with the brand name Hadocort - D produced and distributed by Ha Tay Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company in Vietnam and exported to a number of countries around the world.
The main ingredient of the drug Hadocort is an effective antibiotic that supports the treatment of ENT diseases, helps reduce inflammation, antibacterial, anti-allergic:
Nose diseases: stuffy nose, allergic rhinitis , superinfected nasal polyps, runny nose, rhinitis, sinusitis... Diseases of the oropharynx: Pharyngitis, acute or chronic pharyngitis... Ear diseases: Infections in the ear canal, otitis externa , eczema syndrome,... Eye diseases: Inflammation of the cornea, lacrimal sac, eyelids or conjunctiva,... In addition, Hadocort is also used to support the treatment of a number of diseases in the respiratory tract. It helps to prevent infections before and after surgery, protects against infections caused by trauma, reduces inflammation, and congestive edema in the ENT.

2. Chemical composition of the drug Hadocort

In Hadocort - D 15ml ENT spray, the main ingredients are anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics including:
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate 15 mg Neomycin sulfate 75 mg Xylometazolin hydrochloride 7.5 mg And excipients

3. Contraindications

Hadocort drug has contraindications when used for patients with allergies or hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug or the following cases:
Children under 6 years of age Having infections in the eyes or eyelids , have symptoms of purulent discharge due to bacteria resistant to Neomycin Have certain cardiovascular diseases Diabetes Goiter Women are pregnant or breastfeeding Have a history of glaucoma Perforation of the eardrum after trauma or infection Infection Keratitis Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or viruses In case the patient still wants to use Hadocort when having the above infections, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

4. Instructions for using Hadocort

Patients can use Hadocort ENT spray according to the following steps:
Clean the area to be used with diluted saline or physiological saline. Shake the two drugs well to dissolve the medicine. Open the cap of the medicine bottle Spray 1-2 times in the air to check if there are small water droplets in the form of mist, you can use Put the nozzle in the position where you need to use the medicine and spray. If used in the eyes, care should be taken to close the eyes; spray into the nasopharynx should pay attention to gently inhale to let the medicine go into the nasopharyngeal cavity; or if sprayed into the ear, it is necessary to tilt the ear to the opposite side to allow the medicine to run inside. Use a dry cloth to clean the nozzle and close the cap.

5. Hadocort Dosage – EASY

In order to achieve the desired treatment results, the patient needs to use the drug according to the schedule, do not overdose or forget the dose. The drug should be used in accordance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor or according to the instructions of the manufacturer, do not arbitrarily increase the dose without permission.
Dosage for treatment of eye and nose diseases:
Attack treatment: Use 1-2 drops/time, the interval between two uses is 2 hours. Maintenance treatment: Use 1-2 drops / time, the interval between two uses is 4-6 hours. Dosage for ear diseases:
Put the solution in the ear drop by drop, and let the solution come into contact with the ear for a few minutes; Wash your ears twice a day. Maximum use time: 10 days.

6. Storing Hadocort - EASY

Hadocort - D ENT spray is stored at room temperature (30°C), in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, open flames. Medicines are stored in a place out of reach of children and pets. Medicine bottles need to have a protective cap for the medicine to be used for a long time.
Patients must not use expired medicine bottles (printed on the packaging) nor arbitrarily dispose of drugs into the toilet or sewer without permission. Consult your doctor or medical staff for the correct treatment.

7. Notes when using Hadocort

7.1. In the process of using Hadocort to treat ENT diseases, readers need to pay attention to some of the following points to note:
Do not use Hadocort for children under 6 years old. Absolutely do not use the drug for pregnant and lactating women. The drug can pass to the fetus through the placenta, or affect the baby through breastfeeding. Do not use the drug for long-term treatment, because the drug can cause irritation. Patients should use the correct dose of the drug, do not stop taking it suddenly. 7.2. Side effects Some side effects of Hadocort are often encountered when patients use the drug for a long time. Here are some common symptoms such as:
Eye infection Thinner cornea or sclera Systemic allergies Optic nerve damage Vision loss Visual impairment 7.3. Drug interactions To ensure that treatment with Hadocort is safe, patients need to declare to the treating doctor fully aware of the drugs, herbs or vitamins being used. Some drugs, when used concurrently with Hadocort ENT spray, can cause adverse effects or increase the effect of side effects.
Caution when using Hadocort in combination with the following drugs:
Aminoglutethimid Barbiturates Carbamazepine Ephedrin Phenytoin Rifampicin Rifabutin Antihypertensives Diuretics Anticoagulants

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