What is Azelastine used for?

Azelastine nasal spray and Azelastine eye drops are two common forms of Azelastine. So what exactly is the use of Azelastine?

1. Uses of Azelastine

Azelastine belongs to the group of H1 histamine receptor antagonists, with the main active ingredient being Azelastine hydrochloride. This active ingredient inhibits the release of histamine and other mediators of allergic reactions.
Azelastine is made in 2 forms, which are 0.1% nasal spray and 0.05% eye drops. As for Azelastine nasal spray, it is used to treat seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis in both adults and children over 6 years of age. As for Azelastine eye drops, it is used for the symptomatic treatment of long-term allergic conjunctivitis in both adults and children over 12 years of age; or for the prevention and symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis in both adults and children over 4 years of age.

2. Dosage and how to use Azelastine

Dosage and how to use Azelastine depends on the form of the drug and the purpose of treatment, specifically as follows:
Seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis: Children from 6-11 years old and adults spray 1 time in each nostril and Use twice a day in the morning and evening. Children over 12 years old spray 2 times in each nostril and use 2 times / day. Seasonal and year-round allergic conjunctivitis: Children over 3 years old put 1 drop into the affected eye and instill 2 to 4 times a day. Adults put 1 drop in each eye and instill 2 times a day. The maximum duration of treatment in both adults and children is 6 weeks. Azelastine nasal spray, if used in excess, can affect the central nervous system and cause manifestations such as tremor, irritability, and convulsions. At that time, the patient needs to be treated according to the symptoms.

3. Side effects of the drug Azelastine

Azelastine can cause some side effects with the following frequencies:
Common: Feel the bitter taste of the drug and lead to nausea. Uncommon: Inflammation of the nasal mucosa may be transient mild irritation with manifestations such as itching, sneezing, stinging sensation, nosebleeds. Eyes also experience mild transient irritation. Rare: Symptoms of drug hypersensitivity such as pruritus, rash, urticaria.

4. Some notes when using Azelastine

For Azelastine eye drops, it is not used to treat an eye infection. The ingredient in the eye drops contains the preservative benzalkonium chloride, which can cause eye irritation, dry eyes, and corneal disorders. During the use of Azelastine eye drops, it is necessary to limit the use of soft contact lenses, remove the lenses before instillation and 15 minutes after instillation, the contact lenses should be reinserted. Azelastine eye drops may discolor soft contact lenses. Azelastine nasal spray can cause drowsiness, so it is necessary to limit activities such as driving or operating machinery while taking this medicine. If you are taking CNS depressants and using Azelastine nasal spray, may cause an increase in CNS depression. Therefore, Azelastine nasal spray should not be used with CNS depressants or alcohol. To be on the safe side, tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, including prescription and nonprescription medications, vitamins, especially those for allergies, colds, and antibiotics. other histamine. Pregnant and lactating women should use caution when taking Azelastine, because studies on the effects of the drug in this population are limited. If you plan to become pregnant, are pregnant or are breastfeeding, tell your doctor. Or during the time of taking the drug to detect pregnancy, you should immediately contact your doctor. Uses of Azelastine is to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, seasonal or year-round allergic conjunctivitis. Depending on the purpose of treatment, patients use the corresponding drug form, with specific dosage according to each subject.
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