What disease does Hornol treat?

The drug Hornol is a drug belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs and nerve tonics. So what is Hornol and how is it used?

1. What disease does Hornol drug treat?

Hornol drug belongs to the group of neurotropic drugs and nerve tonics, the main ingredients in each tablet are:
Disodium uridine monophosphate 3mg Disodium cytidine monophosphate 5mg Disodium cytidine monophosphate acts as an intermediate for the synthesis of lipids complex structure of neuronal membranes, especially sphingomyelin, a precursor of myelin sheath. Disodium cytidine monophosphate is also a precursor to DNA and RNA, which are fundamental elements of cellular metabolism such as protein synthesis.
Disodium uridine monophosphate acts as a coenzyme in the synthesis of glycolipids in neuronal structure and myelin sheath, supplementing the effect of disodium cytidine monophosphate.
Hornol is indicated in the following cases:
Support in the treatment of peripheral neuropathies related to bone and joint diseases, metabolism and infections. Aids in the treatment of facial nerve pain, costal neuralgia, back pain, trigeminal neuralgia. In addition, the drug is also contraindicated for people who are sensitive to any of the components of the drug.

2. Dosage and how to use Hornol

Hornol is used orally, take 1 tablet with at least 240ml of filtered water. Patients must not chew the medicine before swallowing and do not crush the drug, break the structure of the drug before use.
If you often have a feeling of vomiting while using Hornol, you can take it with milk or take it with food. This will save you from having to take your medicine again when you vomit, especially in children.
Dosage of Hornol should follow the doctor's prescription, the recommended dose is as follows:
Adults: Use 1 - 2 tablets x 2 times/day. Children: Use 1 tablet x 2 times/day.

3. Hornol . side effects

Currently, there are no reports of patients experiencing side effects while using Hornol. However, if in the process of using Hornol, you notice that your body appears abnormal, you need to stop using the drug, report it to your doctor or immediately go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment. time.

4. Caution when using the drug Hornol

Keep Hornol out of the reach of children to avoid accidental ingestion. In case of taking the wrong medicine, it can cause serious damage to the digestive tract or cause some other diseases for the child. If your child takes the wrong medicine Hornol, you need to immediately take the child to a medical facility for timely treatment. When stopping the use of Hornol, you need to gradually reduce it, not stop it suddenly. Do not skip more than 2 doses of Hornol in a row. The drug Hornol is a drug belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs and psychotropic tonics. The drug is indicated to support in the treatment of peripheral nerve diseases and the treatment of facial nerve pain, costal neuralgia, back pain, trigeminal neuralgia. To ensure effectiveness and avoid side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.
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