What are the uses of Cevinton?

Cevinton forte with the effect of activating blood to dissolve blood clots, improving sequelae after cerebrovascular accident, anti-stroke. Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Cevinton forte through the article below.

1. Uses

“What is Cevinton forte?”. Accordingly, Cevinton forte belongs to the group of functional foods, not drugs. Active ingredients in the product include Ginkgo biloba extract 400mg, Panax ginseng 100mg, Fenugreek extract 100mg, Nattokinase 30FU, Magnesium 50mg, phosphatidin serin 15mg, black garlic powder 30mg, Coenzyme Q10 1.5mg, Vitamin B6 1mg, Citicoline 5mg, Runtin 5mg.
The use of Cevinton helps to improve the sequelae after a cerebrovascular accident, activate blood to dissolve blood clots, prevent stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris. Therefore, the product is used for the following subjects:
Patients with hematoma, tumor thrombosis syndrome with symptoms of insomnia, headache, dizziness, dizziness, dementia, tinnitus; Patients with stagnation of qi and blood, poor blood circulation to the shoulder and neck area, leading to a decline, causing neck pain, numbness in the limbs, numbness in the neck...

2. Dosage and usage

2.1. Dosage The recommended dose of Cevinton is 1 tablet per day. In some severe cases such as traumatic brain injury, after surgery, a dose of 2 tablets/day divided into 2 oral doses can be used.
Note that Cevinton forte product is not a medicine and is not a substitute for medicine.
2.2. How to use Cevinton is used according to oral, patients should drink with plenty of water and can be taken before or after meals.
In case the patient is being treated with other drugs, it is necessary to consult the treating doctor before using Cevinton forte products.
Using the product is effective and the body is gradually recovering, if the patient arbitrarily stops treatment without a doctor's prescription, it may lead to a greater risk of recurrence of the disease. In contrast, patients who arbitrarily increase the dose of the drug in order to get rid of the disease early can lead to a state of familiarity with the drug, reducing the effect of the drug.

3. Contraindications

"Is Cevinton forte good and contraindicated to use the product for which subjects?". Accordingly, Cevinton forte products are contraindicated in the following subjects:
Pregnant and lactating women; Huntington's patient ; Patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of Cevinton.

4. Side effects

Cevinton forte may cause some side effects as follows:
Cardiovascular: Temporarily lower blood pressure, in rare cases tachycardia; Nervous: Restlessness, sleep disturbance, dizziness, anxiety, agitation, restlessness, fatigue and headache may occur; On the immune system: Shortness of breath, fever, allergic reactions; Subcutaneous bleeding, gastrointestinal disturbances such as heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea .

5. Drug interactions

The active ingredient Piracetam in Ceviton products can increase the risk of bleeding when used in combination with anticoagulants or platelet aggregation inhibitors such as Coumarins, Aspirin...
Therefore. To use the drug safely, you need to consult and follow the indications on dosage and use when taking the drug.

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