Uses of Pastitussin

Pastitussin belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs, has an antiseptic effect on the mouth and throat, relieves symptoms of cough, sore throat, sore throat, sore throat, burning throat, hoarseness. Pastitussin is used under the direction of the treating doctor.

1. What is Pastitussin?

Pastitussin has the main active ingredients Menthol 3mg, Eucalyptol 0.5mg and other excipients such as RE sugar, Sodium carboxymethylcellulose, Talc, Magnesium stearate, Ethanol 96% just enough. The drug is prepared for users in the form of lozenges, packed in boxes, boxes of 50 blisters x 10 lozenges and boxes of 20 blisters x 10 lozenges.

2. Uses of the drug Pastitussin

2.1 Uses - indications Pastitussin is used to treat the following symptoms:
Has an antiseptic effect, relieves cough, relieves pain locally Has an effective antiseptic effect on the mouth and throat 2.2 Contraindications Pastitussin is contraindicated for use in the following cases:
People who are allergic or sensitive to Menthol, Eucalyptol or any of the ingredients in the drug. Do not use the drug for children under 30 months of age. Children with a history of epilepsy or febrile seizures. Note: Cases of contraindications of Pastitussin should be understood as absolute contraindications, ie not flexible use of the drug in any case or for any reason.

3. How to use and dose of Pastitussin

How to use: Pastitussin is prepared in the form of lozenges should be used directly, sucked to slowly dissolve in the mouth, it is recommended not to chew or crush quickly.
Dosage: Users can refer to the following dosage of Pastitussin:
For adults: take from 10 to 15 tablets per day For children: take from 3 to 8 tablets per day In case of missed dose: User can You can use the medicine as soon as you remember it.
In case of overdose: There are currently no reports of symptoms that users may experience when using Pastitussin overdosage. However, if the patient realizes he has overdosed and develops other strange symptoms that are suspected to be due to the drug, the patient should contact his doctor to inform him about the amount of Pastitussin he has taken and the current status of the patient. for timely support and advice.

4. Pastitussin side effects

Currently, there are no research reports on the side effects of Pastitussin. However, if the patient develops other symptoms that are often suspected of taking the drug, stop using the drug immediately and notify the doctor for advice and effective management.

5. Interaction with the drug Pastitussin

Currently, there are no research reports on the interactions between Pastitussin and other drugs. However, in order to minimize the unfortunate interactions that occur when using drugs, users need to inform their doctors about the drugs and functional foods that they are using or intend to use. with Pastitussin to get advice on the most effective and appropriate course of treatment.

6. Some notes when using Pastitussin

When using Pastitussin, patients should note the following:
Care should be taken when giving the drug to people with diabetes, because each lozenge contains 0.75g of sugar. Do not use the medicine when it is watery, moldy, expired. Hopefully, the information shared above will help users understand that Pastitussin is an effective antiseptic for the mouth and throat if used properly and reasonably.
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