Uses of Falipan

The most prominent use of Falipan is its ability to cause anesthesia and anaesthesia by subcutaneous injection. How should Falipan be used and who should use it? Understanding the mechanism of action of the drug helps the process of use achieve better results.

1. The main ingredient of the drug Falipan

According to information from the manufacturer, in 1 ml of Falipan injection solution contains the following main ingredients: Lidocaine Hydrochloride: 20 mg content. Other excipients are just enough for 1 vial of solution according to the manufacturer's dosage. The drug is prescribed by the doctor in the treatment of some of the following medical conditions:
The drug is indicated in surface anesthesia, infusion injection. Infusion and conduction anesthesia in dentistry. Peripheral nerve blockade, sympathetic ganglia blockade. The drug has the effect of spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia. Regional and regional anesthesia. The drug Falipan up is used only by the prescription of a doctor, a specialist pharmacist. Self-medication can cause many health effects.

2. Dosage and how to use Falipan

Dosage of the drug below is for reference only, depending on age and health condition, medical staff will prescribe different doses:
Maximum dose: 300 mg without vasoconstrictor . In the case of vasoconstrictor compounds, the maximum dose is 500 mg. Particularly for young children and the elderly, the dose should be adjusted according to the doctor's recommendations. Falipan medicine 200mg/10ml for injection, intradermal injection, subcutaneous injection, intravenous injection, injection into tissue. All injection techniques must be performed by medical personnel.

3. Contraindications when using Falipan

Currently, Falipan is contraindicated for the following subjects:
People who are allergic to lidocaine or any drug in the amide group of anesthetics. Patients with atrioventricular block should not take the drug. People with severe heart failure should not take intraventricular block. Porphyrin metabolism and coagulation disorders. Increased intracranial pressure. Anemia, decreased blood volume has not yet recovered. If the above subjects need to take medicine, it is best to consult a specialist doctor. Because the wrong use of drugs can cause negative effects on health.

4. The side effects when using the drug Falipan

Before administering the drug to each patient, medical staff evaluate the health status and related problems to ensure safety. Therefore, very few patients experience side effects when taking the drug.
In some special cases, the patient may show the following signs:
Common: slow heart rate, low blood pressure, increased blood pressure, digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, paresthesia. Uncommon: Central nervous system toxicity with symptoms such as tinnitus, tremor, numbness of the tongue, abdominal pain, speech disorders, hearing and vision disturbances. With these symptoms, the patient needs to share with the doctor for timely advice and intervention.

5. Possible interactions when taking Falipan

Possible interactions when using Falipan drugs such as:
Alkaloids causing vasoconstriction or epinephrine causing hypertension or lowering blood pressure. Therefore, the patient needs to be very careful. Sedatives: increase the effect on the central nervous system. Aprindine, Mexiletin, Tocainide: The additive causes side effects because these drugs have similar chemical structure to Lidocaine. Propanolol, Diltiazem, Verapamil or Cimetidine: Decreased Lidocaine clearance, significantly prolonging the half-life of Lidocaine. Painkillers due to neurogenic causes, anesthetics: synergistic increase toxicity. Cardiac glycosides: may reduce the toxicity of local anesthetics. Therefore, it is important that you tell your doctor, pharmacist and health care provider about all the medicines you are taking, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, so that you can adjust the dose. use and how to use it in the most appropriate way.
The above is important information about the drug Falipan, if you have any further questions about the drug, you can contact your doctor for in-depth advice.

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