Uses of Albuminar

Albuminar drug with the main ingredient is Human Albumin, concentration 25%, usually indicated in cases of hypovolemic shock. The following article will help you get useful information about the drug Albuminar.

1. What disease does Albuminar treat?

Albumin is an important protein present in human serum, it performs two main tasks: maintaining the colloidal osmotic pressure of plasma and transporting endogenous and exogenous substances such as bilirubin, hormones, fatty acids , the drug is in the blood.
Maintaining colloidal osmotic pressure is extremely important because it helps regulate blood volume in the circulation. In the case of normal plasma albumin concentrations, 80% of the colloidal osmolarity is assumed by albumin, the remaining 20% ​​by other plasma proteins such as globulin and fibrinogen.
When the patient has a sudden decrease in circulating volume such as total blood loss or fluid loss, plasma loss, timely supplementation of albumin helps to increase total plasma volume, on average 1g albumin infusion will increase 18ml plasma volume.
Albuminar drug containing 25% albumin solution is prepared from human plasma by low temperature separation method. The drug is often indicated in the following cases:
Emergency treatment of patients with hypovolemic shock Patients with burns, trauma, surgery with reduced plasma volume Blood thinning when performing bypass surgery Cardiopulmonary circulation Adjuvant therapy in neonatal hemolytic disease and adult respiratory distress syndrome Support in the treatment of patients on long-term hemodialysis, patients in shock or hypotension who tolerate large volumes of fluid .

2. Dosage and how to use Albuminar

Dosage of Albuminar is determined depending on the patient's condition and response. The doctor will base on arterial blood pressure and central venous blood pressure to adjust the dose accordingly, avoiding excessive increase in circulating volume.
Albuminar is used by intravenous infusion, the infusion rate is maintained at 1ml/min for adults and 0.25ml/min for children. Note, do not use more than 250g/48 hours.
The recommended dose for patients with hypovolemic shock is 25g for adults and 1g/kg for children. The dose used to increase plasma volume and reduce blood concentration in burn patients is to infuse 100ml of Albuminar with other electrolyte solutions, in children it is about 6.25 - 12.5g. In patients with neonatal hemolysis: Use 1g/kg body weight.

3. Precautions for treatment with Albuminar

Albuminar is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to human albumin, patients with heart failure, hypervolemia, pulmonary edema.
Albuminar should be appropriately diluted before use. Note, absolutely do not use Albuminar more than 4 hours after opening the vial or when visually detecting the solution is cloudy or precipitated.
In addition, patients should be careful when using Albuminar drug for the following cases:
Premature babies because the drug has the potential to cause intraventricular hemorrhage. Patients with renal dysfunction because Albuminar can cause electrolyte imbalance. Patients with low cardiac output because large amounts of Albuminar infusion can cause volume disturbances. For patients with trauma, accidents need to be monitored after using Albuminar because albumin has the effect of increasing blood pressure and increasing the risk of bleeding in previously undetected lesions. Albuminar is not recommended for protein supplementation in patients requiring nutritional support. Using Albuminar medicine can cause a few symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, rash, itching, urticaria,... Currently, Albuminar drug is considered safe to use for children, pregnant women. or are breastfeeding.

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