Stomach pain can take Efferalgan pills?

The article was written by Pharmacist Nguyen Huy Khiem - Clinical Pharmacist, Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

Stomach pain (epigastric pain) is a common problem that many people experience, which can be accompanied by some symptoms such as belching, heartburn, heartburn or pain, burning in the chest. These may be signs suggesting a risk of peptic ulcer disease. For immediate relief of stomach pain, as well as improvement and relief of accompanying symptoms, patients can refer to the information below.

1. Common pain relievers have little effect

Paracetamol or Acetaminophen (with common brand names: Efferalgan, Panadol, Hapacol, Tylenol,...) is an over-the-counter pain reliever that is used quite commonly, but the drug is hardly effective for pain relief. caused by peptic ulcer disease. However, in case the patient has a history of peptic ulcer disease but experiences pain due to other causes (such as headache, muscle pain, bone and joint pain,...), paracetamol is an option. effective and safe because the drug has no side effects that cause gastrointestinal ulcers like some other pain relievers.
Do not use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with common active ingredients: ibuprofen (brand names: Gofen, Alaxan,...), diclofenac (brand names: Voltaren,...), meloxicam (brand name: Mobic,...), because these drugs will aggravate the condition of peptic ulcers, even cause gastrointestinal bleeding (with manifestations: black or bloody stools, vomiting, etc.) black or bloody discharge, severe abdominal pain, etc.).

2. Over-the-counter stomach pain relievers

For immediate pain relief in case of stomach pain, it is necessary to use drugs that neutralize gastric acid, as well as astringent mucous membranes in the affected area. This group of drugs is collectively known as antacid drugs.
Popular drugs on the market include: Maalox, Phosphalugel, Gastropulgite, .... This is a group of drugs that patients can buy at pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
Phosphalugel là thuốc mà người bệnh có thể mua tại hiệu thuốc mà không cần đơn

3. Prevent and thoroughly treat stomach pain

Eat in moderation, avoid skipping meals Limit the use of gastrointestinal irritants (beer, alcohol, tobacco, NSAIDs, ...) Exercise regularly, avoid stress. frequent stomach pain, or serious complications (such as gastrointestinal bleeding), need to visit a medical facility with a gastroenterologist to screen and definitively treat the cause cause gastrointestinal ulcers (such as HP bacteria, ...)

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