Possible side effects of Tovalgan Ef

Paracetamol is a familiar drug commonly used to relieve pain and reduce fever. The active ingredient paracetamol is also found in many other medicines to relieve pain and reduce fever. Tovalgan ef is also a drug with a similar effect used. However, when using Tovalgan ef, you need to be aware of some possible side effects.

1. What is Tovalgan ef?

Tovalgan ef is a drug that is prepared in the form of effervescent tablets. The main ingredient of Tovalgan ef is paracetamol with a content of 500mg with just enough excipients. Tovalgan ef is a medicine used to relieve pain and reduce fever quickly.

2. What effect does Tovalgan ef have?

As mentioned above, Tovalgan ef has analgesic and antipyretic effects. In Tovalgan ef contains the active ingredient paracetamol which is an analgesic and antipyretic widely used in the following cases:
Relieve mild to moderate pain such as headache or migraine, sore throat, aches and pains. due to cold or flu, menstrual pain, musculoskeletal pain, joint pain, pain after vaccination, after tooth extraction, toothache, pain in osteoarthritis. Reduces fever, helps reduce body temperature in people with fever. The pharmacodynamic mechanism of Tovalgan ef is known as follows:
Paracetamol (or acetaminophen or N - acetyl - p - aminophenol) is an active metabolite of phenacetin, and a drug that helps relieve pain and reduce fever. can effectively replace aspirin. But in contrast to aspirin, paracetamol is not effective in treating inflammation. However, the same dose in grams, paracetamol has analgesic and antipyretic effects similar to aspirin.
Paracetamol has the effect of reducing body temperature in febrile people, but very rarely lowers body temperature in normal people. Therefore, Tovalgan ef will act on the hypothalamus to cause hypothermia, increase thermogenesis due to vasodilation and increase peripheral blood flow. Paracetamol, if treated, will have little impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Usually does not change acid-base balance, does not cause irritation, or ulceration or bleeding in the stomach like using salicylates. Because paracetamol has no effect on cyclooxygenase of the whole body, it only affects cyclooxygenase or prostaglandin of the central nervous system. Paracetamol also has no direct effect on platelets or bleeding time.
If the patient overdoses on paracetamol, it will produce a metabolite, N - acetyl - benzoquinonimin, which causes severe liver toxicity. Paracetamol should be well tolerated if used correctly and without many of the side effects of aspirin.
About the pharmacokinetic mechanism of Tovalgan ef:
Tovalgan ef when entering the body will be quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Paracetamol is rapidly and uniformly distributed in body tissues. Tovalgan ef is metabolized in the liver and eliminated from the body in the urine. With a mean elimination half-life of 1.25 - 3 hours, it can also be prolonged with toxic doses or in subjects with liver injury. After treatment, 90 to 100% of Tovalgan ef can be seen in the urine on the first day.
However, if high doses of paracetamol are taken, this metabolite is formed in sufficient quantities to deplete hepatic glutathione. In that condition, its reactivity with the sulfhydryl group of liver proteins increases, which can lead to liver necrosis.

3. How to use Tovalgan Ef

Tovalgan ef is prepared in the form of effervescent tablets, so when taking you should give 1 to 2 tablets with at least half a glass of water.
About the dose of Tovalgan ef drug: each time should only take from 1 to 2 tablets, 4 hours apart and not more than 4g/day. Can be taken with or after meals.
Note: This dosage is for reference only. The dose of Tovalgan ef depends on the body condition and health condition of the patient. Please consult your doctor for advice on proper use and dosage of the drug.
In the case of an overdose of Tovalgan ef, there will be signs such as:
Overdose due to paracetamol may occur when using a single dose (over 30 tablets) or taking large doses of the drug. consecutively or due to prolonged drug use. Liver necrosis is the most serious acute effect of overdose and can be fatal to the body. Symptoms of overdose when using Tovalgan ef such as nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain usually appear 2-3 hours after taking the drug. In addition, it also causes Methemoglobin - blood, leading to cyanosis of the skin, mucous membranes and nails. Children are more likely to get methemoglobin - blood than adults after taking paracetamol. In severe poisoning Tovalgan ef, can stimulate the central nervous system causing delirium. Next is central nervous system depression causing hypothermia, fatigue, rapid, shallow breathing, rapid but weak pulse, low blood pressure and circulatory failure. Treatment of Tovalgan ef overdose:
Call your healthcare provider right away if you have overdosed on Tovalgan ef even if you have not had any symptoms. There should be an immediate treatment if Tovalgan ef poisoning is not dangerous to health.

4. Possible side effects of Tovalgan ef

During the use of Tovalgan ef, users may experience unwanted side effects as follows:
Skin and side effects: more susceptible to sensitization, urticaria and rash. Respiratory system: aggravated bronchospasm has been known in patients who are sensitive to aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Regarding the hematopoietic system: causing organ disorders. In some cases may cause thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and pancytopenia. The side effects of Tovalgan ef are usually mild and transient and rarely occur. But unlike aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Tovalgan ef does not cause stomach irritation. However, if you experience any unusual physical symptoms or conditions, the patient needs to visit a medical facility to be monitored and given a solution.

5. Notes of Tovalgan Ef 500Mg

Before using Tovalgan ef, patients should carefully read the instructions for use and consult a doctor.
Contraindicated to use Tovalgan ef for the following cases:
People with severe liver disease, kidney disease or anemia. People who are sensitive to paracetamol or any of the ingredients of Tovalgan ef. People with deficiency of G6PD enzyme (glucose - 6 - phosphate. Tovalgan ef drug contains sodium ions, so Tovalgan ef should not be used for patients abstaining from salt. Other drugs containing paracetamol
Regarding the signs of serious skin reactions when using Tovalgan ef can be seen such as Steven - Johnson syndrome (SJS) or toxic skin necrosis syndrome (TEN) and syndrome Lyell, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) All must report to your doctor immediately if you experience any of these signs
According to many studies, any risk has not been identified. No side effects of Tovalgan ef for pregnant and lactating women or a nursing infant, however, Paracetamol can cross the placental barrier and pass into breast milk.

6. Drug interactions Tovalgan ef

If long-term use with high doses of paracetamol will slightly increase the anticoagulant effect of coumarin and indandion derivatives. However, this effect is usually mild and insignificant, so paracetamol is preferred over salicylates when mild pain relief or fever reduction is required for patients taking coumarin or indandion derivatives. Excessive alcohol consumption and prolonged use of Tovalgan ef may increase the risk of liver toxicity. Anticonvulsants (including phenytoin, barbiturates, carbamazepine) induce enzymes in the liver microsomes, which may increase the hepatotoxicity of paracetamol by increasing the metabolism of the drug into substances that are toxic to the liver. In addition, concomitant use of isoniazid with Tovalgan ef may also increase the risk of hepatotoxicity. However, the mechanism of this interaction has not been clearly defined. The risk of paracetamol harming the liver is significantly increased in people who take paracetamol in larger than recommended doses while taking anticonvulsants or isoniazid. Usually no dose reduction is required in patients receiving concomitant therapeutic doses of paracetamol and anticonvulsants. However, patients need to limit the self-administration of paracetamol while taking anticonvulsants or isoniazid. Tovalgan ef should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. In addition, it must be kept away from children. Tovalgan ef is a medicine that needs to be taken in the correct dosage. Because if used in excess, it will cause serious consequences for the body. Tovalgan ef can have unwanted side effects, so when using it, if you have any questions, you should contact your doctor for further advice.
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