Metoclopramide - Effects, dosage and usage notes

Posted by Pharmacist Nguyen Huy Khiem - Clinical Pharmacist - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Metoclopramide is a drug used to treat and prevent symptoms of vomiting and nausea. Here are some things to keep in mind when using Metoclopramide.

1. Metoclopramide's mechanism of action and indications

Metoclopramide is a drug used to treat and prevent symptoms of vomiting and nausea. In Vietnam, the antiemetic drug Metoclopramide has 2 main dosage forms, corresponding to 2 routes of administration of the drug:
Solution for infusion: brand name Metoran® 10 mg/2ml - route of administration: intramuscular injection, or intravenous infusion IV (diluted with 0.9% NaCl, G5%, Ringer lactate if needed) Tablets: brand name Primperan® 10 mg - route of administration: oral Metoclopramide 10mg is indicated for the treatment and/or prophylaxis of symptoms nausea, vomiting after surgery after chemotherapy, radiation or other causes.
The antiemetic mechanism of the drug is antagonism of dopamine and serotonin receptors at the emetic center of the central nervous system. The onset of action is 1-2 minutes for the intravenous form, 30-60 minutes for the oral form, and Metoclopramide's effect lasts for about 1-2 hours.

2. Dosage of Metoclopramide

Metoclopramide antiemetic dose is applied both orally and intravenously as follows:
Adults: 5 - 10 mg/time, should not exceed 3 times/day Children from 1 to 18 years: 0.1 – 0.15 mg/kg/time (maximum 10 mg/time). Do not use more than 0.5 mg/kg/day (or 30 mg/day). It should be noted with the intravenous route as follows: it is necessary to administer slowly intravenously for at least 1-2 minutes to reduce the risk of feeling restless and sobbing after the injection.
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Thuốc metoclopramide 10mg cần được sử dụng theo hướng dẫn của bác sĩ

3. Precautions when using Metoclopramide

Metoclopramide can be used safely in pregnant women to treat symptoms of morning sickness. However, metoclopramide is excreted in breast milk in small amounts, so for nursing women, the use of metoclopramide should be weighed against the benefits and risks. In general, the drug can be used under a doctor's prescription if necessary.
In addition, the drug Metoclopramide crosses the blood-brain barrier, so one of the undesirable side effects when using the drug is neurological disorders (extrapyramidal syndrome), including sensory restlessness, restlessness, tremor, involuntary movements,... This side effect is more common in young people with high doses, so it is important to adhere to the prescribed dose.
Metoclopramide is a medicine prescribed by doctors to treat and prevent symptoms of vomiting and nausea. In order for the drug to work best, the patient needs to take the drug according to the prescription, when there are abnormal signs, they need to go to the medical center for examination and treatment.

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