Learn the uses of Actiglobin

Acti-Globin products are often used for pregnant women and some other subjects. So what is Acti-Globin and how to use it?

1. What does Acti-Globin do?

Acti-Globin is a health food with blood tonic effect, often used for pregnant women and cases of anemia due to blood loss or increased blood demand.
Main ingredients in each Acti-Globin tablet include:
Vitamin C 80.00 mg Iron fumarate 43.02 mg equivalent to 14mg iron ions. Vitamin B6 :1.40 mg Retinol acetate 2.33mg equivalent to 400 μg vitamin A. Zinc gluconate 35.20 mg equivalent to 5 mg zinc. Vitamin B12: 2.50 mg Folic acid 0.20 mg Acti-Globin product is a unique combination of ingredients such as: Iron, vitamin C, folic acid, B12, vitamins and minerals:
Iron plays a role It is important in the synthesis of Hemoglobin, especially for pregnant women, to be able to adequately transport oxygen to the cells to help the baby and mother's body be healthy, to reduce premature birth and low birth weight. Folic acid should be supplemented as soon as possible during pregnancy, preferably from 3 months before pregnancy to prevent spinal and brain malformations for the baby. Zinc is very important during pregnancy, it ensures a healthy immune system of pregnant women to help reduce infections during delivery, premature birth and low birth weight babies. For young children, zinc also helps strengthen the digestive immune system, making the process of absorption and metabolism of nutrients go more smoothly, stimulating children to eat well and have a healthy body. Vitamin C not only helps optimize the amount of iron absorbed by the body, but also helps strengthen the immune system, helping to limit the body's ability to be infected by bacteria and viruses. Vitamin A is a vitamin that needs to be supplemented during pregnancy, helping to develop immunity and growth of the fetus, especially the organs of vision. Children who are supplemented with vitamin A will help strengthen their eyesight, play an important role in learning as well as in all other activities, it also helps children's eyes are also sharper and more alert. Thus, Acti-Globin products have the following uses:
Help supplement iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin C and minerals. Blood tonic effect for women who are pregnant or in menstrual period. People with iron deficiency due to blood loss or increased body needs. The product supports the production of red blood cells, hemoglobin. Acti-Globin products are indicated for the following cases:
Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Women menstruate a lot. Menopause women. Blood Donor Athlete Vegetarian. People who are dieting or trying to lose weight. Do not use Acti-Globin products for people who are sensitive to any of its ingredients.

2. Dosage and how to use Acti-Globin

To supplement iron and essential vitamins for hematopoiesis along with the daily diet: Adults and children over 12 years old use a dose of 1 tablet / day.
For people with increased iron requirements, pregnant women, women who are planning to become pregnant, women who are breastfeeding, before menstruation and during periods of increased physical activity: Adults use dose 2 tablets/day.
Use Acti-Globin product after eating.
Above is important information about Acti-Globin, knowing how to use it and who to use will help the process of using it more effectively.

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