Effects of multiple sclerosis on the body

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How dangerous will complications of multiple sclerosis be? What causes the body to have multiple sclerosis? Can multiple sclerosis be cured? Read on to learn more about the effects of multiple sclerosis.

1. Overview of Multiple Sclerosis

The body is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when an immune state to an inflammatory agent and attack the nervous system occurs. According to several tests and experiments, broken myelin sheath is believed to be the cause. When the protective sheath around this nerve is attacked, it will lead to a decrease in the transmission of information, making the body and brain less interactive. However, that is only a prediction of the results obtained. The real cause of multiple sclerosis is still a medical mystery.
Some analytical data recorded, the age group 20-40 is a high-risk group. When diagnosed with the disease, the body will show signs of neurodegeneration that will gradually affect all organs. Thus, multiple sclerosis is dangerous, especially to the stage of complicated multiple sclerosis.

2. Manifestations that can recognize multiple sclerosis

The most obvious manifestation of multiple sclerosis is the deterioration of the nervous system. Therefore, nerve damage and the effects of attacks on the myelin sheath are the basis of disease identification. There is also controversy that slowing down the movement of the nervous system can prevent multiple sclerosis complications and health effects. Unfortunately, multiple sclerosis is a secondary syndrome, so even without neurological damage, they quietly proliferate.
Patients with urinary tract infections or loss of muscle tone and difficulty walking will need to pay attention to the risk of disease. According to research, secondary symptoms after proper treatment of the root will be controlled. You also need to pay attention to other symptoms when the disease worsens. With secondary symptoms, medication and physical therapy will somewhat improve the condition.

3. Multiple sclerosis complications affecting the body

3.1 Nervous system The nervous system is the part that suffers the most from multiple sclerosis complications. Memory impairments, or frequent dizziness, mood swings can be a sign of damage from complicated multiple sclerosis. Especially people with a history of mental illness will face danger when suffering from the disease. Weakened nervous system will lead to impaired vision and hearing. You may lose your vision or hearing temporarily or permanently if the damage is severe enough to be irreversible.
When the influence from the nervous system goes bad, chewing or communication activities are also disturbed. In that case, the voice will change and make it difficult for the speaker to breathe, lose his or her voice.... When breathing problems appear, it can be determined that the nervous system has been severely damaged, causing the respiratory system to also be affected. enjoy. Complications of multiple sclerosis on the respiratory system will cause danger, making the disease complicated with jaw joint activities or chewing and swallowing. If unfortunately food falls and lungs will lead to pneumonia infection.
Blood vessels are the communication wires that connect the nervous system to the muscle mass. When the nervous system cannot perform the task, the muscles also weaken the body gradually loses balance and has difficulty in movement. As the disease grows more destructive, you can become wheelchair-bound quadriplegia.
3.2 Musculoskeletal System Complications Multiple Sclerosis can lead to osteoporosis. After that, the bone health is no longer as good as the original, so it is easy to have an accident that causes mechanical fracture. However, these effects can be temporarily resolved if the diet is balanced. Especially vitamin D needs to be fully supplemented to increase immune health for the joint system.
3.3 Digestive system Constipation, diarrhea, increased intestinal motility are the effects that should be noted. If you can improve with nutrition, you will be combined with reasonable diets and doctors can intervene to use drugs when necessary. Urinary problems can be catheterized when having difficulty, but care should be taken to avoid urinary tract or kidney infections. Complications of multiple sclerosis in the digestive system can cause serious infections, so cleaning may be necessary to protect the bladder and bowels.
3.4 Reproductive system According to the findings from the studies, multiple sclerosis does not directly affect the reproductive organs. Most results show that women are at reduced risk during pregnancy and may have recurrence in the postpartum period. Sexual dysfunction such as decreased libido, loss of sensation... will appear. This is explained by the influence from the nervous system that makes the feeling disappear and the negative psychology that causes psychological illness.
3.5 Circulatory System Organs in the circulatory system will help balance their activities and carry information from the brain around. The symptoms of shortness of breath or negative psychology will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Multiple sclerosis can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, or cause heart failure. Some proposals have chosen physiotherapy to improve and minimize the manifestations of the disease to the cardiovascular muscle.
3.6 Immune system The immune system plays an important role in protecting health and enhancing the body's resistance. When damage occurs to the nervous system, the immune system has been attacked. That impairment will lead to inflammation and impaired organ function. To ensure the function of the immune system as well as protect the body, it is necessary to maintain living habits and tolerating adequate nutrients.
The above article has partly given you the answer to the question: is multiple sclerosis dangerous? Every patient with multiple sclerosis is different. Treatment methods also change accordingly. Therefore, you need help and support from a specialist to be able to quickly control and treat the disease.

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