Is it okay to have unprotected sex with a prostitute?

Hi doctor,
2 months ago, I had sex with a prostitute without using a condom because I was too drunk at that time, I was very worried. The doctor asked me if it's okay to have unprotected sex with a prostitute? Thank you doctor.
Dinh Tien Sy (1981)
To the question “Is it okay to have unprotected sex with a prostitute? , the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Currently, the rate of HIV infection through sex when having heterosexual sex is 71%, same-sex (male) accounts for 15%, and the risk increases when there is HIV infection. close contact with the body fluids of an HIV-infected person during sex.
Accordingly, prostitutes are subjects with a high risk of infection. The cause is explained by direct contact with blood as well as secretions of HIV-infected people. It is estimated that after being infected with HIV, about 50% of infected people have flu-like symptoms, and these symptoms usually occur 2 to 6 weeks after HIV infection. After 1 to 3 weeks of symptom onset, anti-HIV type IgM antibodies can be detected.
Therefore, after having sex with a person who has been infected with HIV or is suspected of being infected with HIV, it is necessary to immediately go to an HIV-AIDS prevention center or medical facility to have some necessary tests done. determine whether HIV virus infection or not, from which there will be timely treatment methods. Thus, if you are worried, you should go to the hospital for follow-up advice and tests.
If you still have questions about unsafe sex with prostitutes, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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