Newborn's private area is white, do I need to go to the doctor?

Newborn's private area is white, do I need to go to the doctor? This is a question that is being asked by many parents today. Girls or newborns can have little physiological vaginal discharge, milky white discharge without odor. After a period of time, the vaginal discharge will change color. Understanding the cause of this problem will help parents know how to take care of their children better.

1. Signs of identifying a newborn's private area with a white substance

There are early warning signs for vaginal infection in newborn girls to help parents quickly detect the disease and treat it promptly such as: vaginal snoring and difficulty urinating. The small lips of the private area are inflamed and stick together, which will cause the urinary opening to be covered, when urinating does not flow, it is blocked and splits this is often a manifestation of a urinary tract infection. The vagina is contaminated with foreign objects and the most common case is toilet paper, which also easily causes vaginal infection. Paper is often used chemical bleach, has a chemical scent that is both irritating and easy to be left inside the child's private and anal areas. So when the baby poops, we should wipe with a towel instead of using toilet paper like adults. The private area is red, itchy, and has a small rash or rash that is caused by the parents closing the diaper too tightly or not changing it regularly for the baby.

2. Newborn's private area is white, do I need to go to the doctor?

During pregnancy, the amount of female hormone (estrogen hormone) in the mother's blood will cross the placenta into the baby's blood. After birth, the amount of this hormone is reduced with the newborn because it is no longer attached to the placenta, resulting in a white discharge resembling white blood in the vagina. This is a normal phenomenon, so you just need to clean the baby's private area with clean cotton wool and warm water, wipe from top to bottom, do not wipe back from the anus because it may cause dirt in the anus to get infected. baby's vagina. This usually goes away on its own after a few days. However, if this white discharge has a bad smell or persists, you should also take your baby to the doctor to see if the baby has an infection.

3. How to clean the private area for newborn girls every day

Butt cleaning must always be accompanied by changing the baby's clothes. Regular cleaning of this area is very good and helps protect your baby's skin, because stool and urine contain acids and harmful bacteria.
Care should be taken to dry the baby's skin with an absorbent towel with successive pats, paying special attention to the groin folds. Your baby's genitals also need to be taken care of.
For a girl, use wet cotton swabs or cotton pads without soap in all folds (including the vaginal margins) and in the direction from the vulva to the anus. Therefore, mothers need to take the following steps to clean the baby:
Step 1: You need to wash your hands thoroughly before bathing your baby. Prepare a basin of warm water (use a thermometer to measure the water temperature around 35-38 degrees Celsius). Step 2: Use a soft washcloth, wet it with warm water and wrap it around your index finger or thumb gently and then wipe it along the baby's private area. Step 3: Using a soft, clean, wet towel, wrap it around your fingers and gently wipe along the folds, it is not necessary to separate the vaginal lips, wipe in the direction from the vagina to the anus and do not wipe Wash deep inside, also do not use soap because it will cause the baby to burn. Follow the correct movement from front to back to ensure that bacteria from the anus will not be able to enter the baby's private area. Step 4: After cleaning the baby's private area, use a clean soft towel to dry the private area, then close the diaper and put on clothes.

4. Things to keep in mind when cleaning a newborn baby girl's private area

Infants are especially sensitive to all influences from the outside environment. Therefore, please remember the following notes carefully to ensure the baby's hygiene without accidentally affecting the baby's health:
Do not bathe the newborn baby before the umbilical cord falls off (approx. time for umbilical cord to fall from 1 to 3 weeks) because of the high risk of infection. Instead, wipe your baby's body with a soft, wet washcloth. Deep douching is absolutely not recommended for babies when the vaginal structure is still very narrow and vulnerable. Choosing a bath for your baby needs to pay attention to choose a type with a supine design, an appropriate size, pouring shallow water halfway into the basin to prevent water from entering the baby's eyes, ears, and nostrils. Infants from 1 to 3 months old do not necessarily need to use bath milk, because it can make their skin dry and irritated, the stage of baby's umbilical cord loss is stable enough to bathe in a tub or basin and can choose a type of soap. The shower gel is gentle and suitable for babies' skin. If you want to use cleaning solutions for babies at this age, you need to consult a medical professional to choose the right product. According to folk experience, many mothers bathe their children with leaf juices to treat boils and itching to help cool their skin and make their children sleep easier. But it should be noted, choose to buy and prepare ingredients carefully to avoid impurities that can increase the risk of infection. Absolutely do not apply gel or any cream directly to or close to the girl's private area without the appointment of a medical professional. At the same time, you should also remember to change your baby's diaper often, because if you leave it like that all day long, a large amount of bacteria in the urine and feces can make the baby's private area infected. Do not use talcum powder to dry the groin, buttocks, and private areas because the talcum powder crystals are microscopic and easily dispersed in the air, which can lead to airway choking and many other respiratory diseases. More dangerous is that According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization "the use of taLc powder on the genitals is listed as a carcinogenic agent". Therefore, many obstetricians recommend that mothers should not use talcum powder to clean sensitive areas for babies, although this powder does not directly cause cancer, but it causes pelvic infections or cervical region, which can lead to infertility or chronic pain later in life.
Currently in the field of Pediatrics, Vinmec International General Hospital provides a chain of continuous medical examination and treatment services from Newborn to Pediatric and Vaccine,... according to international standards to take care of parents with their parents. child health from birth to adulthood. Therefore, when children have any health problems, parents take their children to medical facilities to be examined for appropriate indications.

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