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Raising children is not easy, because the resistance is not yet complete, so it is vulnerable to external factors. It is important for parents to understand and recognize some abnormal signs of illness early in order to avoid unnecessary complications.
Although today with the development of medicine, vaccines have been born, helping to reduce the risk of diseases related to microorganisms. However, there are still many childhood illnesses that children can experience. Here are some diseases and how to recognize them to help parents better understand the diseases that children may experience during this time.
1. Diseases caused by RSV
RSV stands for respiratory syncytial virus, it is the leading cause of bronchiolitis, also known as small airway inflammation and pneumonia in infants in the United States. Respiratory syncytial virus infection in children can begin with flu-like symptoms, including fever, clear runny nose, and cough, with up to 40% of infants first infected with RSV developing breathing sounds. wheeze and up to 2% of children are hospitalized. RSV tends to be milder in older children and adults.
2. Inflammation of the middle ear
Young children are very susceptible to middle ear infections because the eustache tube (tympanic tube) between the pharynx and the ear is small and horizontal. As a result, this tube is more likely to become blocked in young children, which can become blocked when a cold causes inflammation of the pharynx. When there is a blockage of the eustachian tube, fluid will be trapped inside the middle ear, behind the eardrum, allowing bacteria to multiply causing otitis media. Symptoms include fever, fussiness, and ear pulling. Many ear infections are caused by viruses and can clear up on their own, with symptomatic treatment. However, most children with middle ear infections need to be treated with antibiotics. Giving children complete vaccinations and thorough treatment of oropharyngeal diseases is to help prevent middle ear infections.
3. Seborrheic otitis media
A buildup of fluid in the middle ear (with or without pain) is called serous otitis media. It usually follows an acute ear infection or an upper respiratory infection. The fluid usually clears up on its own within a few weeks. However, if it becomes thick and glue-like, it can interfere with a child's hearing. For colloidal ear infections, it is necessary to treat them early to avoid complications that seriously affect hearing. The treatment can be medical use such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, thin mucus ... however, for some cases that do not respond to drugs, it may be necessary to use an ear catheter to help drain the fluid. This tube is placed in the eardrum to help push the fluid out.
4. Croup disease
Croup disease (laryngotracheobronchitis) is a disease that causes swelling of the larynx and trachea, leading to narrowing of the airways. The telltale sign of croup is a severe dry cough that occurs mainly at night, the child may wake up with difficulty breathing, the cause of the cough is mainly due to laryngospasm. This disease is usually caused by a virus and is usually seen in children under 5 years old, older children are less likely to get the disease. Most children recover in about a week, but they can have severe breathing problems that require hospital treatment.
5. Hand, foot and mouth disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a viral disease, common in summer and autumn. The disease can cause symptoms such as fever with blisters on the inside of the mouth, palms, buttocks, and soles of the feet. Most cases are not serious and last a week to 10 days, just pay attention to the child's care so that the pimples in the mouth and on the skin do not become infected.
6. Pink eye disease
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) is a viral condition that can spread quickly in schools and daycare centers. Manifestations of conjunctivitis include red, itchy eyes, increased eye discharge and disease without blurred vision, eye pain. Usually the disease will be cured after about 1 week by cleaning the eyes with physiological saline, but in many cases you should consult a doctor for specific treatment directions.
7. Fifth disease or scarlet fever infection
The reason it is called the 5th disease is because it is considered the 5th cause of rashes in children. The agent is human parvovirus B19, a virus that can cause mild cold-like symptoms before a rash. Scarlet fever is characterized by a bright red rash on a child's face, which may also appear on the trunk, arms, or legs. Once the rash appears, the child is usually no longer contagious. Up to 20% of children have it by age 5 and 60% by age 19. The rash usually goes away on its own after 7 to 10 days.
8. Acute diarrhea caused by rotavirus
Before effective vaccines were available, rotavirus was the leading cause of diarrhea-related deaths in young children. The main symptoms are repeated vomiting and diarrhea, which can cause a child to become dehydrated very quickly. There are now two types of rotavirus vaccines for infants, and studies show that the number of new cases has dropped significantly. However, children are still at risk of developing rotavirus diarrhea despite vaccination. Therefore, if the child has diarrhea many times, it is necessary to examine and treat the child to avoid severe dehydration due to dangerous dehydration.
Treatment of the disease is mainly rehydration, using some drugs to treat symptoms, probiotics... Children usually get better after about 1 week.
9. Kawasaki disease
Kawasaki disease is a very rare and mysterious disease that occurs in children under 5 years of age, the cause of Kawasaki disease is still unknown. Some manifestations of the disease such as high fever, body rash, red tongue with prickles, especially very red lips that can crack and bleed, swollen insteps and hands... This disease if not treated Early treatment can cause illness that can damage the heart and possibly cause death.
10. Chickenpox
Chickenpox used to be a highly contagious disease that can now be prevented through the chickenpox vaccine. Although it is possible to still catch the infection after being vaccinated, it can help prevent your child from uncomfortable red blisters and limit dangerous complications for babies, adults and pregnant women. Symptoms of chickenpox are upper respiratory tract inflammation, high fever, blisters on the skin, digestive disorders can be seen in children. The disease usually resolves on its own, the blisters scab over after 7 to 10 days if the child is cared for carefully, especially to avoid secondary skin infections.
11. Measles
Measles can have outbreaks and is highly contagious in unvaccinated children. The illness begins with fever, runny nose and cough. As these symptoms subside, a generalized rash appears. Most children get better in two weeks, but some get pneumonia or other problems after getting measles. Vaccination helps to minimize the risk of disease and limit the risk of serious complications from the disease.
12. Mumps
Mumps was a very common childhood disease before a vaccine was developed. Infection usually causes no symptoms at first, followed by classic signs of swelling of the parotid and jaw salivary glands, often accompanied by a high fever. Most of the time, the disease progresses after about 10 days, but in some cases it can also cause complications in the genitals and sometimes in the brain. One statistic shows that people who are not vaccinated are 9 times more likely to get mumps than people who are fully vaccinated.
13. Rubella (German measles)
Rubella, also known as German measles, is a virus that can cause a rash when infected, it usually does not cause serious problems. However, it can harm an unborn baby if a pregnant woman is infected. Symptoms are low-grade fever and a rash that spreads from the face to the rest of the body. Vaccination helps reduce the risk of disease for young children and pregnant women.
14. Whooping cough
Whooping cough is a disease caused by pertussis bacilli, this disease is rare today due to the effectiveness of vaccines. The initial bacterial infection causes symptoms such as sore throat, low-grade fever, and cough, and it often causes a severe cough, difficulty breathing, and a "creaking" sound when inhaling. This infection is most severe in neonates, causing breathing difficulties, a high risk of death, and often requiring hospital treatment. Antibiotics are used to treat the cause of the disease, but are not particularly helpful in treating the disease, so vaccination is essential to prevent disease.
15. Meningitis
Meningitis is an inflammation or infection of the tissue around the brain and spinal cord, it can have many different causes. Viral meningitis is usually mild, but bacterial meningitis is more severe. with serious consequences if not treated quickly. Young children may have flu-like symptoms, headaches, fussiness, neck twitching, and vomiting. Vaccines can be used to prevent some of the bacterial causes of meningitis .
16. Strep throat
Most children get a sore throat from time to time, usually from a cold virus. However, it can also be caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococci, which usually present as a sore throat accompanied by a headache that lasts more than a week, pain or difficulty swallowing, drooling, rash, There is pus in the back of the throat, fever above 39 degrees. Strep throat can cause many dangerous complications if not treated early such as endocarditis, acute glomerulonephritis... The disease is treated with antibiotics, combined with symptomatic treatment. symptoms or complications, if any.
17. Reye's Syndrome
Reye's syndrome is a life-threatening condition that can strike children who take medicines that contain aspirin. Symptoms include behavioral changes, seizures, and coma. Reye's syndrome is the reason that children do not take aspirin, since then it has been found that the incidence of this syndrome has decreased significantly.
18. Having a drug-resistant staphylococcal infection (MRSA)
MRSA is a staph bacteria that doesn't respond to certain antibiotics, which is a leading cause of skin infections. These infections often appear as sores or blisters and can look like a spider bite. Ear, nose and throat infections caused by MRSA are also on the rise among primary school children, possibly due to improper use of antibiotics.
19. Impetigo
Impetigo is a skin infection caused by strep or staph bacteria. It often causes clusters of tiny blisters on the skin that ooze and form a yellow crust that, when touched, can infect other parts of the body or infect others. Impetigo is most common in children aged 2 to 6. If detected and treated with topical or systemic antibiotics, the sores usually heal without scarring.
20. Black tubercle
Ringworm is a fungal disease that affects the skin and can be characterized by a red, scaly ring on the skin or a circular patch of hair loss on the scalp. The fungus is easily spread from one child to another, so avoid sharing combs, brushes, towels, clothes, and avoid wearing damp clothes because this is a suitable environment for the fungus to grow. Ringworm is treated with topical or oral antifungal medications.21. Lyme disease
Lyme disease is a disease caused by bacteria, which can be transmitted by ticks. The telltale sign of Lyme disease is a target-shaped rash that appears 1-2 weeks after a tick bite, although not everyone has a distinctive rash. The rash may be accompanied by fever, chills, and body aches. If left untreated, Lyme disease can cause complications and affect the joints, nervous system, and heart.
22. Influenza
The flu is caused by the flu virus and has symptoms similar to a cold. The flu usually causes high fever, chills, body aches, extreme fatigue, and nausea or vomiting. Most children will get better on their own, but the flu can also lead to serious complications like pneumonia, especially in young children. It is recommended to vaccinate to avoid the risk of disease, especially for children over 6 months old.
23. Seasonal allergies
Seasonal allergy, sometimes called hay fever, is not an infection, but a reaction to microscopic particles such as pollen (allergens). Symptoms can include sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny or stuffy nose and may only occur in the spring or fall. Children may repeatedly rub their noses with their palms, a gesture known as the allergy gesture. There is no cure for hay fever, but there are treatments that help control symptoms.
Childhood illnesses can affect physical development and can cause emotional damage if not properly cared for and treated. The above are childhood diseases that children can experience, parents should pay attention to prevent dangerous diseases.
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