Acute diarrhea in children: What should be eaten to recover quickly?

The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Le Thanh Cam - Pediatrician - Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
In order to reduce the rate of malnutrition and mortality in children with acute diarrhea, in addition to oral electrolyte supplementation, proper nutrition plays an important role, promoting early recovery of the intestinal mucosa. , pancreatic function and production of enzymes that make digestion and absorption of nutrients recover quickly.

1. Causes of acute diarrhea in children

Diarrhea is a sudden increase in the amount of fluid in the stool, with 3 or more loose stools in 24 hours. Acute diarrhea usually lasts no more than 14 days. The main mechanism of causing diarrhea is osmotic and secretory. Causes of acute diarrhea in children include:
Viral, infectious: Acute diarrhea in children is mostly caused by viruses, intestinal infections, extraintestinal infections Children who are not breastfed Children are malnourished. , temporary immunodeficiency such as after measles, chickenpox... and some side effects of drugs to treat the disease. Improper eating: Children are fed with contaminated bottles, food is contaminated, undercooked or has been cooked for a long time to be contaminated. Contaminated drinking water source Improper hygiene: Not washing hands after going out, not washing hands before preparing food for children. Acute diarrhea in children, if not treated and cared for in time, can lead to dangerous complications as follows:
Risk of death: Acute diarrhea in children is often dehydrated, if not rehydrated and electrolytes, the body will fall into a state of dehydration and electrolytes.... leading to a high risk of death in children. The risk of malnutrition: When children have diarrhea, nutrients are not provided adequately by children with anorexia. As a result, when children recover from diarrhea, they become malnourished.
Trẻ suy dinh dưỡng
Trẻ bị suy dinh dưỡng có thể là nguyên nhân bị tiêu chảy cấp

2. Nutrition for children with acute diarrhea

In order to reduce the rate of malnutrition and mortality in children with acute diarrhea, oral electrolyte supplementation and proper nutrition play an important role, helping to promote the early recovery of intestinal mucosa. Pancreatic function and production of enzymes that make digestion and absorption of nutrients recover quickly.

2.1. Acute diarrhea in children should eat what to recover quickly?

Add water and electrolytes to the child depending on the degree of dehydration:
If the child is mildly dehydrated, it can be treated at home by giving the child more water than usual with ORS solution, cooled boiled water, broth. , milk, ... In case a child struggles to get excited or lethargic, drinks water, vomits, urinates little, cries without tears, wrinkled skin, dry lips, etc., the child must be brought to a medical facility immediately. economy for transmission. Diet when children have diarrhea:
The process of absorbing food when the child has acute diarrhea is less than normal, but the amount absorbed through the intestine is still about 60%, so during the diarrhea, it is necessary to give food. If children eat enough portions, without dieting, their body weight will continue to increase at a near-normal rate. Feed your child rice (rice flour), potatoes, lean chicken, lean pork, and lean fish; Soy milk (soy), yogurt, milk with little or no lactose; vegetable oils, bananas, apples... Children under 6 months of age who are breastfed should continue to breastfeed normally and increase the number of feedings. If the baby does not have breast milk, give the baby cow's milk or formula but must be diluted 1/2 within 2 days. Children from 6 months of age, in addition to breast milk and milk replacer, need to feed them more and more often and little by little with nutritious foods. Food should be soft, cooked thoroughly, cooked thinner than usual and served immediately after cooking.
Trẻ  tự uống nước bằng cốc
Tiêu chảy khiến trẻ mất nước nên cần được bổ sung nước qua đường uống

2.2. Acute diarrhea in children should not eat?

In addition to the above nutritional supplements, parents need to understand what children with diarrhea should not eat? Accordingly, children should not eat and drink foods such as:
Do not let children drink carbonated and high-sugar industrial soft drinks Foods that contain a lot of sugar because these drinks can make Increased diarrhea due to increased osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen pulls intracellular water into the intestinal lumen. Avoid foods that are high in fiber or low in nutrients such as: Raw vegetables, whole grains because they will cause symptoms of indigestion in children. Foods with a lot of sugar and processed foods (spring rolls, rolls, sausages, pate...)
Thịt hộp xúc xích
Không cho trẻ ăn các loại thực phẩm chế biến sẵn

3. Prevention of acute diarrhea in children

To prevent acute diarrhea in children, people should actively take the following methods:
Breastfeeding when possible. Feed children the right and reasonable food, ensure hygiene before processing as well as preserving. At the same time, use clean, fresh water and food that is not contaminated with bacteria or pesticides. Wash hands with soap after going to the toilet, changing diapers for children; before preparing food and taking care of children. Use hygienic latrines, safely handle the feces of children with diarrhea.
Sữa mẹ có tự hết khi không cho con bú?
Nên cho trẻ bú sữa mẹ hoàn toàn ở 6 tháng đầu đời
In summary, although acute diarrhea in children can be cured, if not timely, it will be dangerous to the child's life. Therefore, parents need to actively learn the knowledge related to this disease and promptly handle when their children unfortunately get sick. Children in the period from 6 months to 3 years old are very susceptible to respiratory problems, respiratory infections, skin diseases and gastrointestinal infections... parents need to pay special attention to the care and provision of adequate nutrition for children.
In addition, to prevent gastrointestinal diseases that young children often suffer, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve resistance for children. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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