Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Post by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins inside or around the anus. Many women get hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Pressure from your growing baby on your intestinal tract can increase your chances of developing hemorrhoids while you are pregnant. So how to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women?

1. Causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids, in large part due to a higher chance of becoming constipated during pregnancy. Some other possible causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy include:
Higher levels of progesterone, which makes stool take longer to pass through the intestines Lower levels of motilin Less physical activity Too much iron and calcium As the uterus grows larger during pregnancy, it can also slow stool movement. Low fiber diet.
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2. Are hemorrhoids during pregnancy different from normal hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are defined as the veins inside or outside your anus that have become large and swollen. Hemorrhoids can look like varicose veins outside of your body.
Hemorrhoids often develop during pregnancy, pregnant women have hemorrhoids most in the last 3 months of pregnancy and hemorrhoids 1 month after pregnancy.

3. Will hemorrhoids go away on their own after pregnancy?

Your hemorrhoids may completely disappear after pregnancy and delivery without any treatment because hormone levels, blood volume and intra-abdominal pressure decrease after delivery.

4. Symptoms of hemorrhoids after pregnancy

Some symptoms of hemorrhoids after pregnancy include:
Itching in your anal area A soft lump that you can feel at the edge of your anus Pain or discomfort, especially after you go to the bathroom There is little blood on your toilet paper after you go to the bathroom You can't always feel the hemorrhoids - sometimes hemorrhoids are inside your rectal area.

5. How to treat hemorrhoids after pregnancy

Home treatment
For most moms-to-be, some steps at home can help minimize hemorrhoids and their symptoms. Some examples include:
Using a baby wipe to clean your bottom after going to the toilet Using an ice pack wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling in a 10-minute period Use the bathroom as soon as you feel the need bowel movements Apply an anti-itch ointment, such as hydrocortisone cream See a doctor
If your hemorrhoids are not responding to home treatments and are caused by constipation, your doctor may recommend them. laxatives or stool softeners to make stools easier to pass.
During pregnancy, it's best to consult your doctor before taking medication, even if it's over-the-counter.
Although there are surgical treatments for hemorrhoids, doctors usually don't recommend any kind of surgery while you're pregnant. Ideally, after you give birth, your hemorrhoid symptoms should improve.
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Để điều trị bệnh trĩ khi mang thai, trước khi dùng thuốc, bạn hãy tham khảo ý kiến của bác sĩ

6. How can you prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

While you can't change the hormonal surge and bloated belly during pregnancy, your diet and exercise routine can be of great help in treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy . Some remedies can help you:
Increase your daily water intake to make stools softer and less painful to pass Increase your daily fiber intake by eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains granules (unless otherwise directed by your doctor) Increase your daily physical activity, such as walking (your activities don't have to be intense to be effective) Don't sit on the toilet too long if you don't have a bowel movement Always check with your doctor before ramping up your exercise routine to make sure you can safely exercise during pregnancy. Although hemorrhoids are a literal pain, there are treatments that can ease the discomfort. If home remedies don't work, you may have trouble passing stools or seeing stools. lots of small blood stains on toilet paper, talk to your doctor. These symptoms may require more aggressive interventions to promote bowel regularity and reduce discomfort from hemorrhoids.
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References : editorial staff. (2017). What are hemorrhoids? Shirah BH, et al. (2018). Hemorrhoids during pregnancy: Sitz bath vs. ano-rectal cream: A comparative prospective study of two conservative treatment protocols. DOIs:

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