How long does it take for the contraceptive implant to work?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Pham Thi Yen - Obstetrician - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
In addition to modern methods of contraception such as injections and IUDs, the implant is an effective method of birth control that is highly appreciated by specialists. With the convenience and high efficiency, the contraceptive stick is also favored by many women.

1. Overview of the contraceptive implant

The birth control implant is a small medical stick the size of a match that contains the contraceptive hormone progestogen (also called a progestin) which inhibits ovulation, thins the endometrium, and thickens cervical mucus. prevent sperm penetration.
The contraceptive implant will be implanted by the doctor into the skin under the woman's non-dominant arm, releasing this hormone into the body every day, so the user does not need to use any contraception. any other time while the implant is valid. This is also the most effective method of contraception available today.
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2. The right time to implant the contraceptive rod

In general, you can have the implant procedure at any time, but for the best results, doctors will recommend the implant at the following times:
In the first five days of the menstrual cycle From the 1st to the 7th day after taking the combined hormonal pill. During the first 3 months after abortion or miscarriage. If you are injecting or taking progestin-containing birth control pills, you can have the implant procedure at any time. If women after giving birth, at least 3-4 weeks after giving birth, they are allowed to implant the contraceptive rod.

3. How long does it take for the contraceptive implant to work?

This method of contraception works very quickly after implantation (within 24 hours) if the correct time of implantation is the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle. This is also considered the most effective method of contraception today (up to 99.95%), but the contraceptive implant does not help prevent sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV) /AIDs ...v..v)
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4. How long can I have sex with the contraceptive implant?

The time of having sex after implantation is also a matter of great concern to many women because many are afraid that the implant will affect their personal sexual activities. At the same time, if you have sex too soon when the implant has not been effective in preventing pregnancy, you may have an unwanted pregnancy. In fact, after about 24 hours after implantation, women can have normal sex.
However, depending on when you have the procedure, the issue of sex should be kept in mind. Specifically:
If the contraceptive implant is inserted in the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle, you can have sex freely after 24 hours. If the contraceptive implant is inserted in the middle or the end of the menstrual period, at this time the hormone regulation will take place more slowly, and within 7 days of having sex, it is necessary to use preventive contraception. condom. In general, to know exactly how long it takes to have sex with the implant, women should meet and discuss with a specialist when performing this method at reputable medical facilities and centers.
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5. The outstanding effect of the contraceptive implant

Advantages and advantages of the contraceptive implant method can be mentioned:
High contraceptive effect (99.95%), easy to use Long-term effect (about 3 -5 years depending on type) Can be used contraceptive implant during lactation, does not affect lactation, milk volume. It is easy to restore fertility after removal of the implant. In addition, the contraceptive implant has certain health benefits:
Reduces or completely eliminates menstrual pain in many people. Reduce the risk of anemia, iron deficiency Reduce the risk of endometrial cancer in many women. Reduce the risk of gynecological infections and ectopic pregnancy. The form of implantation under the arm is quite gentle, discreet and difficult for outsiders to recognize. Suitable for people who forget to take their pills, can't use estrogen-containing drugs while breastfeeding, have high blood pressure, diabetes...
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6. Side effects of contraceptive implant

After implantation, women may experience some rare side effects such as headache, nausea, acne, breast tenderness, slight weight gain. In addition, some signs of menstrual disorders such as: light menstrual bleeding, amenorrhea, amenorrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding may also occur. These are all normal reactions due to hormonal changes, not signs of dangerous diseases and do not affect the reproductive health of women. These symptoms are usually transient and will subside over time.
After about 3-5 years (depending on the type of rod), the contraceptive implant will expire and you can have a procedure to replace it with a new one. If you no longer need this method of contraception, you can go to the hospital to remove the rod at any time and your period will gradually return to normal, fertility will also be restored.
Doctor Pham Thi Yen has 11 years of experience in examination and treatment in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Doctor with strengths and deep understanding in:
Examination and consultation of normal pregnancies, pathological pregnancies, high-risk pregnancies Examination and treatment of gynecological diseases: cervicitis, cervical ectropion Surgery Laparoscopic surgery for gynecological diseases: ectopic pregnancy, uterine tumor, ovarian tumor Surgery for breast, vulvar, vaginal, cervical tumors Obstetric surgery: cesarean section, examination and treatment of endocrine disorders in women of all ages: puberty, reproductive age; perimenopausal age.

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