Differentiate between uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Huynh Thi Hien - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts are the two most common gynecological diseases in women, often mentioned together. However, there are still many patients who cannot distinguish between uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts how similar or different, thereby proactively treating them accordingly.

1. Location of disease outbreak

Uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts have different characteristics and are distinguished by their common patterns. Ovarian cyst: A thin, fluid-filled tumor that forms in the ovary. Ovarian cysts develop from the tissues of the ovary or from other organs in the body (such as endometrial cells). Ovarian cysts can appear on one or both ovaries at the same time. Uterine fibroids: Uterine fibroids are solid tumors that develop in the uterus. Fibroids can form in different locations inside the uterus, such as in the lining, under the serosa, or as deep in the muscle layer of the uterus. Fibroids form when smooth muscle cells multiply and grow into a firm, elastic mass, separate from the rest of the uterus. It can be said that uterine fibroids as well as ovarian cysts differ in the location of their formation.

2. Manifestations of the disease

Symptoms of uterine fibroids:
Abnormal menstrual bleeding: This is a fairly common indicator of uterine fibroids. Abdominal pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis: Pain in the form of tension, which increases much before the patient's period or after the period ends, is also quite common in patients with uterine fibroids. Urinary disorders: The tumor growth in the uterus compresses the bladder anteriorly, reducing the urinary capacity of the bladder. Infertility: There is a tumor in the uterus that causes abnormal changes in the structure of the uterus. Repeated miscarriage: A fairly typical case in patients with uterine fibroids is frequent miscarriages. Manifestations of Ovarian Cysts: Ovarian cysts have more silent manifestations than uterine fibroids. The most common manifestations such as:
Menstrual disorders: Female hormone disorders in patients with ovarian cysts lead to abnormal ovulation in patients, the ovulation cycle may be prolonged up. to over 35 days. The menstrual cycle in patients with ovarian cysts is also quite irregular due to the disorder of ovulation. Virilization: A hormone imbalance causes the ovaries to produce more of the male sex hormone androgen. Increased production of the male sex hormone androgen in patients with ovarian cysts predisposes these patients to virilization. Ovarian cysts on ultrasound: Manifestations of ovarian cysts can also be detected on ultrasound by images of characteristic cysts appearing abnormal or not.
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3. Methods of treatment

Currently, there are two widely used methods to treat uterine fibroids: surgical and medical treatment.
Medical method: This is a method of using drugs to treat uterine fibroids. The method of using this drug is quite limited, only effective in inhibiting the growth of the tumor but not in dissolving the tumor. Surgical method: A method that uses surgical intervention with surgery to treat uterine fibroids. Treatment of the disease by this method is optimal, it will ensure complete dissection of the tumor if it is benign and the recurrence rate is very low. Similar to the treatment of uterine fibroids, surgical and medical treatment are also two methods used to treat ovarian cysts. However, the treatment of ovarian cysts depends a lot on the patient's desire to continue to get pregnant or not to choose the most appropriate treatment method.
Through the article, we hope to help you distinguish between uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. In addition, the doctor will base on the clinical condition, the laboratory results (ultrasound, CT) to diagnose the disease. Vinmec International General Hospital is fully equipped with medical equipment and experienced doctors. If you have any symptoms of either disease, go to the doctor right away so that the disease can be detected quickly and treated promptly.
Vinmec International General Hospital now has a BASIC Gynecological Examination and Screening PACKAGE, helping customers to detect early infectious diseases for timely treatment.
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