Compare: What is the best method of birth control?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Pham Thi Yen - Obstetrician - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
The best method of birth control is the birth control method that is right for the individual. Therefore, to help maximize the effectiveness of the preventive measure, you should go to the doctor and get advice from a specialist so that you can choose the best and most suitable method for yourself.

1. What is the best method of birth control?

What is “best” in birth control methods will vary from person to person. This method may work for one person, but it may not be for everyone. The effectiveness of each method will also change over time.
To be able to find the best method of contraception for each individual, you should be interested in questions such as:
How can I prove the method of contraception I am using is the best? How much does it cost to use the pill for birth control? Do you have a regular partner who cares about your needs? Do you need protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? How many times will you try to get the best birth control? If you are a woman, will the length of time you use birth control affect your overall health? Do you think you will get pregnant one day?
A comparison of facts about birth control methods can be used. It works basically like:
Behavior:. That is the action that you or your partner must take. Diaphragm: Once inside the body can help prevent sperm from reaching the egg during sex. Hormones: Changes in the chemical composition of a woman's body. Depending on specific hormones, it can either stop the ovaries from releasing an egg, thicken the mucus around the cervix to keep sperm from reaching the egg, or thin the lining of the uterus. Medical intervention: It will change the mechanism of action in the body. Remember, for every 100 women who are not using any form of birth control, the expected outcome could be that about 85 will become pregnant within a year.
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2. Compare birth control methods

2.1. Behavioral Contraception Abstinence: The way it works is no sexual contact (total abstinence). Some people believe that the penis that does not come into contact with the vagina will abstain from pregnancy. The duration of this method is extended until no longer abstinence. Complete abstinence can protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Applying this method does not require a visit to the doctor. Advantages: Highly effective if applied correctly; No side effects occurred; No cost. Cons: Giving up sex for an extended period of time can be very difficult for everyone. Extra-Vaginal Ejaculation: The man will remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculating. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Advantages: Inexpensive. Cons: Men may not be able to withdraw in time or may ejaculate prematurely and still contain sperm.
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2.2. Methods of contraception with medical interventions Sterilization in women:
How it works is to use instruments to block, tie, clamp, or cut to separate the two empty fallopian tubes. Connect to the ovary and uterus. The most typical method is tubal ligation. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. After the procedure, still need to be examined and consulted by specialists.
Pros: This trick is permanent and one-time. Cons: Requires hospital visits and general anesthesia for the procedure. There may be some risks during and after the procedure: pain, bleeding, infection, and ectopic pregnancy. Male sterilization surgery :
How it works uses devices that block the tubes from the testes to the glands so that the semen is no longer sperm. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. After the procedure, still need to be examined and consulted by specialists.
Advantages: The procedure is performed only once and requires only local anesthesia. Cons: During and after the procedure there is a risk of pain, bleeding, and infection. It takes a while for the method to take effect. Copper IUD:
This method uses a small copper-plated T-shaped device and is placed into the uterus. It works to keep sperm from reaching or fertilizing an egg. Besides, it can keep the egg from sticking to the lining of the uterus. The duration of the measure can be more than 10 years. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. After the procedure, still need to be examined and consulted by specialists.
Advantage. There is no need to use any more protection during sex. It can be removed so that the pregnancy can return. Women who are breastfeeding can also use this method of contraception. Cons: This method can cause cramping or bleeding. In some unusual cases can cause pelvic infection. Or a serious and rare situation where the device will get stuck in/on the uterus causing dangerous infection.
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Phương pháp điển hình nhất là thắt ống dẫn trứng
2.3. Hormonal contraceptive method Implant:
The way it works is by inserting a needle that is inserted by the doctor into a stick about the same size as a matchstick with a progestin compound and then inserted it's under the skin on the arm. The duration of the measure can be more than 3 years. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. After the procedure, still need to be examined and consulted by specialists.
Advantages: This method can be used for a long time to prevent pregnancy. And it can be removed when you want to get pregnant again. Cons: Using this method can cause changes in tissue, bleeding, and weight gain. There are also other symptoms such as breast pain and stomach pain. Progestin IUD (Kyleena, Liletta, Mirena, Skyla):
This is a method that uses a small T-shaped device with progestin placed into the uterus. The duration of the measure can be more than 3 to 5 years. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. After applying the procedure, you still need to be examined and consulted by a specialist doctor.
Advantage. There is no need to use any more protection during sex. It can be removed so that the pregnancy can return. Women who are breastfeeding can also use this method of contraception. Cons: May cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle. In addition, there are some other symptoms such as pain, or ovarian cysts. In some unusual cases, it can infect the pelvic area and cause bad symptoms. Or maybe the device gets stuck in/on the uterus causing serious infections.
Vòng tránh thai chữ T
Vòng tránh thai chữ T
Oral contraceptive injection: Your doctor will use an injection containing a progestin to prevent pregnancy in women. The duration of the measure can be more than 3 months. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Using this method still requires examination and advice from a specialist.
Advantage: Don't have to use any other method of contraception during sex. Birth control is possible with the first injection. At the same time, this method can be used for women who are breastfeeding. Cons: Must be repeated injection on time (on time). Besides, it can cause some symptoms such as loss of bone density if injected continuously for 2 years, can cause bleeding between menstrual cycles, or cause headaches, weight gain, nervousness, abdominal discomfort. Plus, it's possible that you won't ovulate for a year after the injection.
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Tiêm thuốc giúp tránh thai
Vaginal IUD:
Using an IUD is a type of flexible plastic ring that is inserted into the vagina. It will release progestin and estrogen to help prevent pregnancy in women. The duration of the measure can be about 1 month for one round. This method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Using this method still requires examination and advice from a specialist.
Pros: Easy to use. There is no need to use another method of contraception during sex. Cons: Requires extremely precise ring placement. In addition, this method can cause some symptoms such as changes in vaginal discharge, the risk of heart attack and stroke, and possibly even getting the ring out of place. Birth control patch:
This method is based on the mechanism of a patch containing hormones that is applied to places such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms or back, then the skin will absorb the estrogen and progestin from the patch. This patch is used for 3 weeks and its effect will last for 1 week for one patch. It is also not a method that can protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Pros: Easy to use. Cons: The patch must be changed at the right time Plus, it can cause skin reactions, increasing the risk of blood clots and stroke. Daily contraceptive pill :
The pill will be used one pill containing progestin and estrogen for daily. The duration of use can be from 3 months or 1 year depending on the doctor's prescription. It is also not a method that can protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Advantages: No need to use extra contraception during sex; Menstrual cycle becomes easier. Cons: Have to take the pill at the same time every day. In addition, can cause some symptoms such as nausea, breast pain, headache or have a risk of high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke...
Thuốc tránh thai hàng ngày cho con bú
Thuốc tránh thai hàng ngày
Emergency Contraceptive Pills: Medications that prevent an egg from leaving the ovary or from a fertilized egg from attaching to the lining of the uterus. The effectiveness of this method is that 7 out of 8 women will not get pregnant. It works up to 3 days after unprotected sex. And this is not a way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Advantages: Can be used later than other methods of contraception. Cons: Using the drug requires a doctor's prescription. In addition, it also causes symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness... Only use birth control without hormones for the next 5 days.
Thuốc tránh thai khẩn cấp
Sử dụng thuốc tránh thai khẩn cấp
2.4. Diaphragm method of birth control Spermicidal diaphragm: This method is used by a dome-shaped disc with spermicidal jelly (nonoxynol -9) and is placed into a woman's vagina to prevent sperm from entering. enter the uterus. It lasts for about 2 hours. It is also not a method that can protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Advantages: The method takes effect immediately. At the same time, it can also be used by women who are breastfeeding. Cons: The diaphragm must be sized appropriately for the individual and must remain in the diaphragm for at least 6 hours after sex. Besides, can cause allergic reactions, infections for women. It is not only physical spermicide that can increase the risk of HIV/AIDS infection. Male condom: This method is applied by using a thin sheath on the erect penis before sex. This method of birth control can protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Pros: Condoms are readily available, easy to use, and can protect against STIs. Cons: Inconvenience in each relationship; May cause irritation or allergies
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Sử dụng bao cao su giúp phòng tránh các bệnh truyền nhiễm

Female condom: This device comes in the form of a thin bag that is inserted into a woman's vagina before sex. This method can protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Advantage: Female condom can be inserted before sex; Male condoms reduce sensation less than male condoms, and may protect against sexually transmitted infections. Cons: May slip when used; This type of condom is not common and is more expensive than male condoms. Doctor Pham Thi Yen has 11 years of experience in examination and treatment in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Doctor with strengths and deep understanding in:
Examination and consultation of normal pregnancies, pathological pregnancies, high-risk pregnancies Examination and treatment of gynecological diseases: cervicitis, cervical ectropion Surgery Laparoscopic surgery for gynecological diseases: ectopic pregnancy, uterine tumor, ovarian tumor Surgery for breast, vulvar, vaginal, cervical tumors Obstetric surgery: cesarean section, examination and treatment of women's endocrine disorders at all ages: puberty, reproductive age; perimenopausal age.

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