Are ovarian cysts common in middle-aged and menopausal women?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Huynh Thi Hien - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Ovarian cysts are a disease that can occur at many different ages from infancy to the elderly. In particular, whether ovarian cysts are common in menopause and old age is of great interest to many people.

1. Signs to recognize ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts usually grow slowly and the signs are modest and vague. Besides, the signs of ovarian cysts are often quite similar to some diseases such as uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, pelvic inflammatory disease, and adnexitis, making it difficult for patients to recognize and miss the time of treatment. most effective disease. The following are some common symptoms in patients with ovarian cysts:
Menstrual disorders Urinary tract disorders such as difficulty urinating, frequent urination, constipation, flatulence... Stomach bloating, abdominal pain Sadness vomiting Dull pain in the abdomen or pain during sex Swollen feet Body weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue... In addition, when ovarian cysts occur complications, the patient will have the following symptoms: :
Vomiting Patient has severe abdominal pain Unusual vaginal bleeding High fever, weakness Lightheadedness or fainting.

2. Are ovarian cysts common in old age?

As mentioned above, there are two types of ovarian cysts: functional cysts and physical cysts. Functional cysts usually appear in women of childbearing age, which means that this type of cyst will not appear in women who have reached menopause and the elderly. Physical cysts are pathological tumors and must be treated to stop this disease. It can appear from the time a girl is in her infancy until a woman reaches menopause and old age.
In general, ovarian cysts can appear from infancy to old age, but this pathology is more common in women during the reproductive period. However, the menopause and old age groups still have certain concerns about this disease because the health of the elderly is no longer as good as before and to completely treat this disease often requires surgery. makes many people more afraid.
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3. Ovarian cysts in old age are dangerous?

Ovarian cysts in menopause and old age are not uncommon, besides the potential dangers of this disease are also a concern for many people, especially when the body functions in old age. As we age, our resistance becomes weaker and weaker. Some dangerous complications can be encountered for people with ovarian cyst disease:
Twisted ovarian cyst: The tumor is long and heavy, it is easy to twist, severe torsion will cause blood vessels At the base of the cyst, necrosis or rupture causes blood and fluid in the tumor to overflow into the pelvic peritoneal cavity, leading to acute infection and blood loss. This case needs emergency and immediate treatment, otherwise it will endanger the patient's life. Ovarian cyst ruptured: The tumor grows too large and is impacted by a certain force, causing them to burst, causing the patient to faint due to blood loss, this case needs urgent emergency treatment. . Malignant cyst: Although the rate of ovarian cysts that have a very low risk of turning into cancer, it is still a concern of women. Among the types of ovarian cysts, water cysts are dangerous. most muscle converts to cancer. After metabolizing, cancer will quickly metastasize to other parts and endanger the patient's life if not treated promptly. Ovarian cyst compresses surrounding organs: When the cyst grows too large, it will compress nearby organs such as the rectum, bladder, and iliac veins, causing constipation, renal pelvis, urinary frequency or swelling. two legs.

4. Effective treatment of ovarian cysts for the elderly

The age of the ovarian cyst patient is also one of the factors for the specialist to rely on to provide an effective treatment method. Most older women with this condition have already gone through their childbearing years and no longer want to have children. Therefore, most elderly women with ovarian cysts are advised by their doctors to remove their ovaries. The removal of the ovaries will completely stop the risk of future cyst recurrence and possible complications.
Currently, there are two surgical methods to remove the ovaries: laparoscopic surgery and open surgery.
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Laparoscopic surgery: This is the most modern, minimally invasive surgical method and has a quick recovery time. Laparoscopic surgery is often indicated for simple and small cystic tumors. Laparoscopic surgery has many advantages over open surgery such as limiting the risk of bleeding, the lesion area is smaller, and the risk of infection after surgery is minimized. Open surgery: Currently, open surgery is usually limited to the treatment of ovarian cysts, except for cases where the tumor is too large, complicated and has signs of cancer. The elderly are a group of subjects with low resistance, so after surgery to treat ovarian cysts, they need to be carefully cared for. The family needs to pay attention to the patient's nutrition and exercise regimen, monitor the patient's post-surgery condition, if there are abnormal symptoms, they must go to the doctor immediately.
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