What is the marinated grilled shrimp dish to wake up the smell?

Grilled shrimp is a very familiar dish when it comes to shrimp dishes. When processing dishes, how to marinate shrimp to bring out the smell is a very important step and this is considered the decisive step to the final taste and results.

1. Prepare ingredients for delicious grilled shrimp marinade

The ingredients to prepare to make grilled shrimp with salt and pepper include:
500g black tiger shrimp 5 horny chili peppers 50g laksa leaves 1 fresh lemon 1 cucumber 1 skull pepper branch 1 beef skewers seasoning: ground pepper, minced garlic, chili powder, chili sauce, sugar, grain salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil, fish sauce,...

2. How to marinate grilled shrimp with salt and pepper

2.1 Preliminary preparation of vegetable ingredients First, remove the stalks and seeds of the chili pepper and pound it 3 pieces Separate the green skullcap pepper, wash it and let it drain Squeeze the lemon to get the juice Wash the cucumber and cut it into small pieces Wash the laksa leaves and let them drain. Soak the bamboo skewers in a bowl of water, remove and drain for about 10 minutes (this is a trick to grill the skewers without burning).
tôm nướng muối ớt
Món tôm nướng muối ớt cần được ướp đúng cách
2.2 Preliminary preparation and marinating delicious grilled shrimp Cut shrimp, wash and drain Add shrimp and marinate with garlic, minced chili, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 tablespoon fish sauce, 1 tablespoon MSG and 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper, 1 ⁄2 teaspoons paprika, 1⁄3 teaspoons sugar, and 2 tablespoons chili sauce Marinate within 1 hour in the refrigerator. 2.3 The process of marinating delicious grilled shrimp When you have enough time to marinate grilled shrimp, use bamboo skewers to skewer each shrimp. Then put the shrimp skewers on the grill on the charcoal stove and proceed to grill. It should be noted that during the baking process, it is necessary to flip the shrimp continuously so that the shrimp can cook evenly on all sides. Observe that the shrimp turn brick red and smell more that you can take it out.

2.4 Make seasoning for grilled shrimp with salt and pepper. Put in the blender 2 horned chili peppers, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1⁄2 teaspoons of pepper, and monosodium glutamate, then pound it finely and put it in a bowl. Mix the mixture with lemon juice to make a seasoning dip.
Finally present the dish to the plate and enjoy. However, there are some notes when doing it:
Many people like to eat spicy, when making marinated grilled shrimp with salt and pepper, they often add satay. Instead of using a charcoal stove, you can also bake shrimp in an oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. In addition to the above salt, you can also prepare pre-purchased green chili salt to save time. It is recommended to marinate grilled shrimp with granulated salt instead of fine salt, because the refined salt quickly melts into the grill. To make the dish more appetizing, you should choose fresh shrimp with a bright, smooth shell, and use your hands to press the shrimp with its elasticity. Shrimp is a highly nutritious food with fat: 0.3 grams. Carbs: 0.2 grams. Cholesterol: 189 milligrams. Sodium: 111 milligrams. Protein: 24 grams. So this is a food suitable for all different ages.
Tôm nướng thành phẩm chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng tốt cho sức khỏe người dùng
In addition to grilled shrimp with salt and pepper, you can also use shrimp to make many other delicious dishes such as: shrimp porridge, shrimp rim, shrimp cake, shrimp paste.... will depend on your eating preferences and the taste of your food. family members that you can change to diversify the menu of the day.

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