How to make beef dip

Batch dip beef is not only delicious but also extremely nutritious. However, each step of the preparation of the dish requires meticulousness and care. If unfortunately any step in the process is not guaranteed, it will cause the nutritional source of the dish to decrease and the beef dipping batch will lose its inherent deliciousness.

1. Criteria to pay attention to to ensure a delicious batch of beef dip

Batch dip beef is a dish with a mild sour taste of the batch combined with the sweet and fatty flavor of beef. Since ancient times, our forefathers have known how to use batches as a spice to create a wonderful scent. Moreover, the sour taste of the batch will help the food to be deodorized when processing. At the same time, the batch also helps to soften the beef quickly and limit the loss of quality because it has to be stewed for too long.
To ensure a delicious batch of beef dip, first of all, you need to pay attention to choose the meat in the muscle or tendon. The most important thing is that beef must be fresh, limit the use of meat that has been preserved or has been kept for a long time to avoid bacteria invasion causing food poisoning. When handling beef, soak it in dilute salt water. Thanks to the antiseptic properties of the brine, it will remove the bacteria that are clinging to the meat and keep the meat fresh. In addition, when cooked, the meat will be chewy and crunchy, making you more appetizing.
Nên chọn phần thịt bò ở bắp hoặc gân để đảm bảo món thịt bò nhúng mẻ ngon hơn

2. How to make delicious beef dip without losing inherent nutrition

The first is the ingredients, you need to prepare enough ingredients and ensure the freshness as well as food safety and hygiene. With beef dip, beef is the most important ingredient. The following is the ratio of ingredients for your reference to prepare this dish.
Beef: 600 g 1 cup batch 2 tomatoes half pineapple 3 green bananas lettuce 1 onion purple onion, garlic, lemongrass, a few chili peppers, depending on the need to use rice paper to roll (1 -2 bags) fish sauce, salt, main noodles, sugar, monosodium glutamate for seasoning. There are 5 steps to pay attention to when doing this: preliminarily preparing ingredients, marinating beef, cooking broth, adding spices and making dipping sauce to enjoy.

2.1 Treatment of raw materials before processing

After the corn is purchased, it will be soaked in salt water to remove bacteria and impurities that stick around. Soak the meat for about 5 minutes, then take it out to drain and cut into pieces of moderate thickness. A piece of meat that is too thin can be eaten without being crispy, but too thick will take a long time to cook. So this step needs to be done carefully and thoroughly.
Before use, the batch should be mixed with water and carefully filtered through a sieve. The rest of the body will not be used. Then proceed to preliminarily process the onion into thin strands after cleaning. Onion thread will be displayed on a plate to use when dipping.
Other materials are also cleaned and preliminarily processed. They need to be minced to give the broth flavor. Except for cucumber, star fruit and green banana that are not cooked. Instead, they will be sliced ​​thin to serve when rolling beef with rice paper and salad.

2.2 Marinate beef with spices

To make the dip beef more flavorful, we will marinate a little more pepper, seasoning and mix well to infuse. These spices not only enhance the flavor of the meat, but also make the meat more tender. Especially, the strong taste of pepper will prevent bacteria from getting close to the meat while waiting for the hot pot to be finished.

2.3 Prepare all the necessary ingredients to cook dipping water

Chopped ingredients such as onions, garlic, lemongrass and chili peppers will be copied. At this time, add sliced ​​tomatoes and stir-fry to combine tomatoes and spices. Then pour in the cooking water until it boils, slowly pour in the batch and wait.
Cho các nguyên liệu băm nhỏ vào xào cùng cà chua để có một nồi nước dùng bò nhúng mẻ ngon đậm đà

2.4 Add seasoning to the hot pot until just ready to eat

Wait until the hot pot starts to boil, proceed to seasoning. Pay attention to the balance of spices, do not eat too salty or too sweet, it will affect the kidneys or the sugar metabolism of some functional organs. When the water boils, put the onions in and turn off the heat immediately so that the onions do not become soft and lose their sweetness.

2.5 Dipping sauce

Dipping sauce for batch beef dish also needs to be carefully prepared and use cooked ingredients. Do not eat raw to avoid worms or bad problems for the intestines and digestive organs. You fry the onions and garlic until fragrant, then put the thin slices of pineapple that have been cut in. Then add fish sauce, lemongrass and chili to boil until boiling, then add MSG and turn off the heat, stir well.
How to make batch beef dip is not too complicated, but you need to pay careful attention from the ingredients to prepare. This is a delicious dish suitable for gatherings or wanting to change the taste of the family. However, remember to always eat cooked and drink hot to ensure your own health.

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