Edible mushrooms in Vietnam

Edible mushrooms are an extremely popular food source, but most of us are not aware of the miraculous effects that mushrooms bring to our health. Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and refreshing properties that can help you prevent cardiovascular disease and many other diseases. Here are the edible mushrooms in Vietnam you need to know to enrich your selection.

1. Edible mushrooms in Vietnam

Straw mushroom Straw mushroom is one of the familiar and popular edible mushrooms in food processing, straw mushrooms are grown or grown naturally from straw piles, usually white, gray, dark gray in color. The size depends on different types of straw mushrooms.
Straw mushrooms are rich in nutrients, straw mushrooms contain many vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, PP, C and amino acids.
Enoki mushrooms, also known as kimchi or bean sprouts, are a white or pale yellow fungus that grows in uniform clusters like filaments. Enoki mushrooms are used a lot in Asian cuisine, especially in hot pot dishes.
Needle mushrooms when cooked will be soft, chewy, crunchy and light scent, when eaten, you will feel sweet and cool.
Shiitake Mushrooms, also known as shiitake mushrooms, mature mushrooms are dark brown in color, about 4 – 10 cm in diameter. Shiitake mushrooms have a cylindrical leg attached to the middle of the mushroom's ear.
Shiitake mushrooms often grow parasitically on large-leaved trees and change leaves every season such as chestnut, oak, and maple. This fungus grows wild in Vietnam and Asian countries. When cooked, shiitake mushrooms will have a characteristic aroma, making the dish attractive.
Cat's ear mushroom Cat's ear mushroom is also known as black ear fungus and is often referred to as cat fungus. Mushrooms are characterized by a shape similar to a human ear, usually dark brown to black in color.
They often grow on rotten tree trunks, have a rubber-like texture, when processed into dishes, they will have a crunchy texture. Mushrooms are commonly used in Asian cuisine.
Lionhead Mushroom, also known as monkey's head mushroom, usually spherical or oval in shape, growing individually or in clusters, with dense tentacles that hang down like a monkey's head, become long and turn colored when old. yellow looks like a lion's mane, also because of this feature, they are also known as lion's mane mushrooms.
Monkey head mushroom is being artificially grown in many countries because it is not only a mere food, but also a valuable medicinal herb.
Mushrooms Mushrooms are not only edible, they can also be eaten raw. They are native to the grasslands of Europe and North America.
When immature the fungus is white and brown both have different names. At present, shiitake mushrooms are grown in more than seventy countries, because of their nutritional value and delicious taste, they are easy to prepare and are considered one of the most widely consumed and widely consumed mushrooms in the world.
Sunflower mushrooms, originating in Brazil, are not only known as one of the delicious edible mushrooms but they also have very valuable medicinal values. Mushrooms are usually pinkish-brown in color in the caps, white cylindrical stalks, the diameter of the caps when the buds are 3 - 4cm, when they bloom, they can be up to 8cm.
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Nấm thái dương là một trong những loại nấm ăn được và bổ dưỡng
Ganoderma lucidum also has other names such as fairy herbs, longevity mushrooms or velvet perennials. Since ancient times, Ganoderma lucidum has been considered as a medicinal herb used to make medicine. Reishi mushroom has a light taste, warm properties, is considered a valuable medicine because it has the effect of protecting the liver, detoxifying, nourishing the brain, diuretic, beneficial,... In addition, reishi mushroom also has preventive effects. and anti-cancer, anti-aging.
Melaleuca mushroom This is a fungus that grows naturally deep in the Melaleuca forest, very benign and nutritious. Melaleuca mushroom outside is purple-brown, inside is white, smooth, beautiful shape, but if you drink water immediately, you will have a bitter taste in your mouth, this is the unique characteristic of this mushroom.
In Vietnam, Melaleuca mushrooms are abundant in the waters of Phu Quoc, they will be combined with many kinds of fresh seafood to be processed into soups or stir-fried dishes to create dishes with typical flavors.
Abalone mushrooms Abalone mushrooms, also known as oyster mushrooms, originated in Germany for a long time, now abalone mushrooms are grown in many parts of the world for food. They often grow in alternating layers of fungi like ladders, on dry, weakened tree trunks.
Abalone mushrooms are white or slightly yellow, containing many healthy nutritional values.
Pine mushrooms Common mushrooms are distributed in temperate and subtropical climates. They grow in small clusters on the ground, especially in pine forests, for this reason they are called pine mushrooms.
Pine mushrooms when young are purple, later they will become brown or yellow, up to about 15cm in diameter. Thick, white mushroom flesh has many high nutritional value for human health.
Snow mushrooms Snow mushrooms are also known as white ear mushrooms, the reason they are so called because although they grow in the natural environment, they still have a pure white color and a beautiful snowflake-like shape. They are usually sold in dried form and soaked in water before use.
Different from other common edible mushrooms, snow mushrooms can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Snow fungus possesses many effective medicinal uses, so it is highly appreciated and widely used.

2. Health benefits of edible mushrooms

Fight obesity with straw mushrooms As mushrooms are extremely familiar to everyone and appear quite often in meals, straw mushrooms contain an extremely rich amount of nutrients. According to research, mushrooms contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, many trace elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, PP, etc. ... and essential amino acids for the body. Thanks to that rich amount of substances, straw mushrooms have the effect of supporting the treatment of obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension, cancer and coronary artery diseases.
Nấm ăn được
Ăn nấm rơm giúp bạn hạn chế nguy cơ bị béo phì
Angler mushrooms are considered as a nutritious food for both adults and children. With lysine content twice as high as that of shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms help increase growth, improve height and intelligence for young children.
For the elderly with high blood pressure and the elderly with weak resistance, enoki mushrooms should be included in meals more often because they contain relatively high levels of potassium and zinc while very low amounts of sodium.
According to Oriental medicine, shiitake mushrooms are recommended because mushrooms have active ingredients in preventing and fighting cancer quite effectively, lowering blood fat, preventing diseases of the digestive tract, liver, and bile.
Abalone mushrooms help fight cancer Abalone mushrooms are sweet, warm, have a very good effect on nourishing the body and nourishing the blood. The advice of experts is that you should eat abalone mushrooms at least once a week, your body will slow down aging and prevent cancer. The nutrients in abalone mushrooms also have the ability to prevent cancer, stress, obesity, atherosclerosis and blood pressure disease.
Reduce blood cholesterol with mushrooms Fat mushrooms are one of the mushrooms that bring high nutritional value. With high nutritional content such as protid, lipid, glucide, calcium, iron, B1, B2, B6, C, D, E, Mushroom... has the effect of reducing blood sugar and cholesterol. Not only that, they also have the ability to prevent cancer and improve liver function, suitable for people with cancer, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, leukopenia and hepatitis.
Shiitake helps to lower blood pressure Research results have shown that shiitake mushrooms contain a very rich mineral content, especially potassium. Besides, the amount of protein, fiber, lipid, polysaccharide and vitamins B2, D, PP in shiitake helps to improve the body's resistance. Shiitake mushrooms also have the effect of lowering blood pressure, preventing the formation of blood clots that block blood vessels, lowering cholesterol, reducing fat, treating arthritis, reducing albuminuria, increasing interferon in the body, preventing senility, and preventing disease. cancer, cure freckles.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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