Learn about the EGFR mutation test (EGFR Mutant)

Lung cancer is a common cancer in Vietnam and around the world, ranking third in morbidity and leading in mortality. EGFR mutation testing is considered an essential test for the appointment of reasonable and effective treatment for patients with non-small cell lung cancer.

1. Effect of EGFR . gene mutation test

Lung cancer is divided into two main types: small cell lung cancer (CNC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In particular, small cell lung cancer (SCLC), also known as oat cell bronchial carcinoma, accounts for about 10-15% of lung cancers. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for about 80-85% of lung cancers.
EGFR gene mutation stands for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, ie endothelial growth factor receptor detected in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
Targeted therapies have been widely used in clinical practice to treat cancer, with the advantage of killing only cancer cells and leaving normal cells intact. Along with targeted therapy, the EGFR gene mutation test is considered an important new step in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NTPKTBN). However, lung cancer in general is still a disease with many difficulties in treatment.
With the development of molecular biology, EGFR gene mutations were detected in non-small cell lung cancer patients and the study also showed that the group of patients carrying EGFR mutations tends to respond well. than with targeted therapy. Therefore, the American Society of Clinical Oncology recommends routine testing for EGFR mutations in patients with non-small cell lung cancer prior to treatment, especially before treatment with drugs such as tyrosin kinase inhibitors. This test is considered essential to provide the basis for appropriate and effective treatment indications for patients.
International associations such as the American National Joint Cancer Network and the American Society of Clinical Oncology recommend that all patients with NSCLC should have routine EGFR gene testing. Specimens used for testing can be tissue samples for inclusions biopsies or patient plasma samples.
Along with its development, most of the molecular biology laboratories have used the EGFR gene mutation test because it has the advantage of being affordable for the economic condition of the patient. Currently, the test to detect mutations on the EGFR gene has been performed at a number of medical facilities by different methods such as Real-time PCR test, gene sequencing test, ...
đột biến gen trong ung thư phổi
Xét nghiệm đột biến EGFR là cơ sở đưa ra các chỉ định điều trị cho bệnh nhân ung thư phổi

2. Purpose of the test

EGFR gene mutation test is aimed at diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, scientific research...so it is often indicated for use in cases such as:
Testing for patients with non-small cell lung cancer small at all stages Testing for patients with anal cancer Testing for patients with glioblastoma multiforme grade IV brain tumor.

3. Indications for EGFR . gene mutation testing

EGFR mutation test is often indicated for patients who have been diagnosed with NSCLC, especially patients with adenocarcinoma. This test is also considered appropriate for patients being treated with TyK inhibitors.
Usually, if healthcare professionals use an EGFR mutation test along with another test, the KRAS mutation test is usually done first. If both test results are negative, the patient is tested for the ALK mutation.
For patients on targeted therapy who develop resistance to TyK inhibitors, physicians may consider adding other tests to the patient, to find new mechanisms leading to resistance phenomenon to guide correction or change to a more appropriate drug for the patient.

4. Specimen used in EGFR . test

The specimen may be a fixed biopsy slice on an unstained HE slide because chemical staining can inhibit the PCR reaction. The specimen may be a sample of whole blood from a patient who has been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer. The specimen may be a preserved fresh biopsy specimen (fixed with absolute alcohol or 10% formol) that has previously been stained with HE slides and has been identified as having cancerous cells. Specimens can be pleural aspiration fluid samples, lymph node smear samples with cancer metastases that have been stained with HE specimens and have been identified as having cancer cells.
Xét nghiệm máu tìm đột biến gen trong ung thư phổi
Mẫu bệnh phẩm dùng trong xét nghiệm đột biến EGFR có thể là mẫu máu toàn phần của bệnh nhân

5. Meaning of EGFR . Test Results

EGFR mutation testing plays an important role in helping to identify targeted treatment options when indicated (with mutations in the EGFR gene) for NSCLC patients.
The EGFR-activating mutant gene can cause cancer cells to grow so rapidly that they get out of control. Therefore, the use of TyK inhibitors that have the ability to inhibit cancer cell growth and become the targeted drugs of choice.
EGFR mutation testing may also be ordered alone or in conjunction with a range of other tests including the KRAS and/or ALK tests. These types of tests play an important role in determining whether a patient is responding to targeted therapy and to which drugs are most appropriate.
The EGFR gene mutation test has great significance in determining the genetic mutation status of melanoma cells and as a basis for the selection of targeted treatments in lung cancer patients.
Currently, the EGFR mutation test is one of many routine tests at Vinmec International General Hospital. With a team of experienced and qualified medical doctors and a system of modern equipment, Vinmec International General Hospital is proud to bring to customers convenient medical services, support for the treatment of patients. Lung cancer control is quick and accurate, thereby timely detecting the disease and providing more effective treatment.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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