How is premature ejaculation diagnosed?

This article is expertly consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.

According to statistics, about 20% of men fall into the state of premature ejaculation, which significantly affects their sex life, which can lead to psychological and reproductive effects for patients for a long time. The diagnosis of premature ejaculation is mainly based on the diagnosis and medical history.

1. General knowledge about premature ejaculation

1.1 What is Premature Ejaculation? Premature ejaculation is the phenomenon of ejaculation after a short period of time not according to the intention and desire of the man. Premature ejaculation is a common phenomenon, the vast majority of men usually experience at least one premature ejaculation.
1.2 Causes of premature ejaculation So far, the cause of premature ejaculation is not completely clear, but it can be due to a number of causes and favorable factors as follows:
Psychological factors: Stress life stress or tension between husband and wife, fear of premature ejaculation - over time these pressures are not released, creating a clock that regulates the time for ejaculation; Too much nervousness, sadness can also lead to premature ejaculation. Pathological causes: May be due to some diseases such as urethritis, prostatitis and inflammatory diseases in the genitals... affecting the spinal reflex center, causing premature ejaculation ; People with cardiovascular disease also often experience symptoms of premature ejaculation. Physical weakness, body fatigue, inadequate sleep... are also factors leading to this condition; The penis is too sensitive and the ejaculation threshold is low. 1.3 Classification of Premature Ejaculation Premature ejaculation is divided into 2 types primary and secondary:
Primary: Premature ejaculation occurs at the very beginning of sexual intercourse and almost always occurs in next time. Ejaculation time is about 1 minute; Secondary: Secondary premature ejaculation occurs slowly or suddenly in men who are having a normal sex life. Usually the ejaculation time is not too short like primary premature ejaculation. 1.4 Signs of Premature Ejaculation Always or almost always ejaculating earlier or within 1 minute of insertion of the penis into the vagina; No or almost no control over ejaculation; Psychological effects such as low self-esteem, stress, frustration and avoidance of sex. 1.5 Harms of premature ejaculation Affecting quality of life, premature ejaculation makes men lose confidence in sex and leads to stress, sometimes depression; Decreased sexual function can lead to a break in the relationship between husband and wife.
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2. How to diagnose premature ejaculation?

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation and premature ejaculation through asking about sex life, medical history, clinical examination and some cases needing to do laboratory tests.
2.1 Ask the disease The diagnosis of premature ejaculation is mainly based on asking the disease. The doctor will ask some questions to assess the condition of premature ejaculation and the patient's previous medical history.
Based on the questionnaire below to exploit the disease to help diagnose:
Bảng câu hỏi đánh giá xuất tinh sớm
Bảng câu hỏi đánh giá tình trạng xuất tinh sớm và tiền sử bệnh tật

Evaluation of results: Calculated by adding up all 5 questions:
Total score ≤ 8: No premature ejaculation; Total score of 9 or 10: Premature ejaculation is possible; Total score ≥ 11 points: Definitely premature ejaculation. 2.2 Clinical examination Clinical examination mainly to evaluate risk factors and pathogenesis includes:
Examination of genitals and prostate gland (curvature of the penis, infection of the genital organs...) ; General examination such as: Cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, psycho-neurological diseases... 2.3 Paraclinical tests Paraclinical tests are often of little value when diagnosing premature ejaculation.
Some tests can be done when necessary such as:
Urinalysis to rule out urinary tract infection; If you have both premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, you can test for testosterone and prolactin...

3. Habits that help reduce the risk of premature ejaculation

Enhance physical training, practice sports to promote health and relieve stress; Limit stimulants, do not smoke, limit alcohol; Relieve tensions with your partner; Using condoms when having sex, will help reduce stimulation on the penis, thereby helping to prolong sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation is a common condition in men. When you see the phenomenon of premature ejaculation in most times of sexual intercourse, you should go to the doctor to find the cause and treat it, to help improve your sex life and improve your quality of life.

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