Why do you need zinc and how to supplement it?

Zinc is a mineral that the cells in the body need to fight bacteria and viruses, make genetic material called DNA, and ensure body functions. Zinc helps with wound healing and aids in the sense of smell and taste. The role of zinc is very important for babies and children as they grow up.

1. Does your body have enough zinc needed?

An adult man needs 11 milligrams of zinc, an adult woman needs 8 milligrams a day. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you'll need more — about 12 milligrams per day. Children need 2 to 11 milligrams depending on age and gender.
There is always a certain amount of zinc in the body, but in some diseases it is difficult for the body to use this zinc, including stomach or intestinal surgery, alcohol abuse and digestive diseases such as inflammation ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. People who don't eat meat or animal products may have a harder time getting enough zinc from food.
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2. What happens if the body doesn't get enough zinc?

Zinc deficiency can make children grow more slowly and delay puberty in adolescents. Zinc-deficient adults may experience hair loss, diarrhea, sores on the eyes and skin, and loss of appetite. It can also affect sex drive in men. However, you should consult your doctor before taking zinc supplements, as it is more likely that the problems mentioned above are caused by something other than your zinc deficiency.

3. Zinc's role in healthy skin

Zinc helps your skin achieve the beautiful skin you desire: helps increase the skin's resistance, protects you from bacteria and viruses. Your doctor may prescribe zinc supplements or ointments to treat certain skin problems, like acne.

4. Can zinc cure the common cold?

Some research shows that if you take zinc lozenges within 24 hours of a cold, your symptoms won't get worse or last longer. However, zinc-containing nasal sprays and gels have been associated with loss of smell. So more research is needed to show evidence of zinc's effects on colds and how much you should take it.

5. Can zinc help prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD)?

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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that causes vision loss over time. One large study of people at risk for AMD found that taking a daily multivitamin containing zinc — along with vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, and copper — may help ward off the condition. However, the studies did not show exactly the same results. If you suspect you're in a high-risk group for AMD, see your doctor to see if a zinc and vitamin supplement is a good idea for you.

6. Sources of zinc supplements

Oysters You can completely get zinc by eating a diet rich in zinc. An 85-gram serving of oysters will provide 74 milligrams of zinc, five times the amount of zinc you need each day. Serve raw oysters with a lemon or grill them Rockefeller-style with spinach, along with onions, breadcrumbs, and Parmesan cheese.
Lean beef To help balance nutrition, you should eat a small portion of the diet including beef combined with eating a lot of green vegetables will be really good for health. An 85-gram serving will have about 7 milligrams of zinc.
Alaskan King Crab An 85-gram serving is equivalent to 6.5 milligrams of zinc. It may take some practice to learn how to get the meat out of the crab shell, but it also makes eating this dish more enjoyable. In addition, you also eat slower, healthier.
Black Chicken An 85mg serving of black chicken has 2.4 milligrams of zinc, and less than 1 milligram of zinc if you eat skinless chicken breasts. You can make some grilled chicken thighs with sautéed kale for a delicious and healthy meal.
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Cashews Wondering how to have a snack but still be rich in zinc? Cashews have 1.6 milligrams of zinc in each 28-gram serving. However, consider how much you plan to eat because cashews are also high in calories and fat.
Zinc supplements This is a good option if you are unable to get the recommended amount of zinc in your diet or you have certain health problems. Need to see a doctor for the most accurate advice before deciding to supplement with zinc by mouth.
Note: Too much zinc is also not good for you
Too much zinc can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, headaches and nausea. And if you take these zinc pills too much for too long, you could have lower copper levels, a weaker immune system, and less HDL (a type of good cholesterol). You should not take more than 40 milligrams of zinc per day unless directed by your doctor. Discuss with your doctor how much zinc you should take before giving your child a zinc supplement.

7. Zinc interacts with other drugs

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Zinc supplements can make antibiotics less effective, and antibiotics can make it difficult for your body to tolerate zinc. Zinc supplements can also make it harder for your body to absorb certain medications, like the arthritis drug penicillamine.
Zinc plays an important role in the human body. Zinc deficiency will lead to many diseases such as atherosclerosis, hearing loss, mouth ulcers, affecting life.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, please book an appointment on the website for the best service.
Source : webmd.com

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