How does a strong, painful cramp?

Cramp is a sudden muscle spasm, causing you to feel severe pain in the muscle area and unable to continue moving. Cramps are not life-threatening, but they can be dangerous while swimming. So what to do when you have a strong, painful cramp? The following article will help you answer this question.

1. Causes of Cramps

Cramps can happen at any age but tend to increase with age and affect sleep. Cramps usually last from a few seconds to a few minutes, with rare cases lasting more than 10 minutes.
Some causes of cramps include:
Due to a lack of calcium, magnesium, and potassium in the body: Usually occurs with pregnant or lactating women, children in adulthood. Pregnant women from 6 months onwards, the body is deficient in calcium and magnesium, the lower extremities must bear the weight of the body, the weight and size of the uterus compress the blood vessels in the lower extremities, easily leading to rats. withdrawal during pregnancy; Nervous system, muscular system or vascular system aging: Usually occurs in the elderly. Need to add calcium, magnesium, potassium... to benefit the nervous system, add vitamins to support the circulatory system; The neuromuscular system is overactive: Because you stay in the same position for too long such as standing or sitting for too long; incorrect foot position when lying down; before participating in sports practice, do not warm up properly; do some activities that use a lot of muscles such as swimming, kicking a soccer ball...; Due to pathology: Cramps can be a sign of a medical condition, possibly a decline in the leg venous system. Therefore, if you often have cramps, you should see a specialist; Insufficient blood supply: The arteries are not supplied with enough blood to the arms and legs. It is usually caused by narrowing of the lumen in atherosclerotic disease. This causes your legs, feet... to be tight, especially when exercising; Due to dehydration: Cramps often happen to people who play sports, especially when it's hot, the body loses water. Dehydration reduces muscle flexibility and leads to cramps. Besides, some other causes can also cause you to get cramps such as squatting habits, wearing high heels,...
Cơ thể bị thiếu canxi có thể là nguyên nhân gây ra chuột rút

2. What to do with cramps?

If you have a cramp while exercising, the first thing you have to do is stop the movement and relax the cramped limb. Then you can apply some of the following treatments when you have cramps:
Heat: Applying heat to the cramp area can make sore muscles reduce, blood circulation, muscles relax. Hot compresses can be accompanied by massage in the cramp area; Add foods rich in acetic acid: Acetic acid is necessary for the synthesis of acetylcholine, which improves coordination and muscle function. Using foods rich in acetic acid relieves cramps; When you have a calf cramp, you should straighten your leg and gently bend your foot toward the knee. Doing so will help the muscles stop spasms, blood circulation. Should gently massage the spastic muscle area when the cramps are gone so that the blood can be circulated again, avoiding the recurrence of cramps; Ask someone else to straighten your leg if you have a thigh cramp. One hand raised the heel, the other pressed the knee down; When you have a leg cramp, hold the top of your foot and pull it gently and then stand up, stand straight for a while but your heels don't touch the ground and let the muscles work gently until the cramps are gone; You should take deep breaths to relax your diaphragm, gently massaging the muscles around your ribcage if you have rib muscle cramps; should drink orange juice, lemonade,...; Hot oil can be applied to the skin of the muscle that is contracting or cold. After the cramps are gone, you can take a hot bath to facilitate blood circulation, the muscles are relaxed, the muscles are stretched.
Làm thế nào khi bị chuột rút mạnh, gây đau đớn?
Chườm nóng tại vùng bị chuột rút có thể làm cho cơ đau được giảm xuống

3. Cramp Prevention

To prevent cramps, you can do some of the following:
Add enough water for the body (about 1.5-2l of water). It is recommended to add mineral-rich water such as oresol, salted lemon lime, coconut water.... before, during and after exercise; In meals, eat a lot of vegetables. Should add fruits after each meal such as bananas, oranges, grapes,...; Before and after exercise need to warm up thoroughly and relax the muscles; Bend the feet towards the knees as high as possible when sitting to make it easier for blood to circulate in the muscles and legs; You should follow a balanced diet with enough nutrients for the body. Limit alcohol and coffee as they dehydrate the body. Ensure a balanced diet, adequate calcium ...; Do not take too cold a bath or swim in cold water; When sweating a lot, it is necessary to add more water, especially water mixed with table salt or preferably oresol; If cramps occur frequently, it is advisable to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Cramps are not life-threatening, but in some cases they can be dangerous. If cramps occur frequently, you should see a doctor to determine the exact cause as well as the direction of treatment.

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