Eyelid surgery and care

The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Thai Hung - Ophthalmologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

Eyelid surgery is a surgery that requires high precision. However, post-operative care cannot be ignored. At this time, the patient needs attention as well as treatment to speed up recovery. Here is some information about pterygium in the eye and how to care for it to recover quickly.

1. Overview of the problem of dream meat in the eye

When you detect the eye has abnormal signs such as bulging, a hematoma appears to form a mass or nest, folklore called pterygium. The most commonly found mortise locations are in the inner and outer corners.
The pterygium will first appear on the conjunctiva (white) and then expand and invade the cornea (black center) of the eye. The degree of development of this pterygium depends on each person, the inflammatory response is more or less red, the work is exposed to the sun, .. so it is difficult to assess its spread.
When the eyes appear pterygium, often with a lot of red inflammatory reaction, there is a risk of developing invasion into the cornea and covering the pupil. Long-term vision will decrease and can cause serious eye disease. Not only visual impairment, but the face will also be fleshy in the eyes, making it more unsightly.

2. Signs and symptoms help you detect to cut pterygium in the eye

To exclude and detect early, you need to refer to some of the following signs:
Red, puffy eyes. Decreased visual acuity, blurred vision, distorted and blurred vision (major corneal invasion). There may be symptoms of itchy eyes. Burning sensation and dry eyes.
Suy giảm thị lực
Mắt sưng đỏ, thị lực giảm, ngứa, cộm mắt là những triệu chứng cho thấy bạn có mộng thịt trong mắt

3. Causes affecting the risk of having a dream in the eye

Currently, there is not any conclusion to confirm the cause of pterygium in the eye. However, based on some results, researchers have listed issues that are likely to affect the likelihood of this disease: eyes that are constantly exposed to direct sunlight or you often dry out. eye.
That was investigated in a number of patients with continuous outdoor working conditions and patients living in hot and dry climates. In addition, living habits also have a significant influence on this issue. Eye contact with dirt from dust or pollen can lead to pterygium. Initially, it will be irritation, over time, the mortise will grow bigger and bigger.

4. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with pterygium in the eye

4.1 Diagnosis of pterygium in a medical facility Although it is difficult to detect symptoms, it can be directly examined to conclude about the disease. Therefore, the diagnosis can be made by simply looking at the patient's eyes without the need for exclusion tests. In addition, some patients will be required to have a test to assess their visa if there is a concern or the doctor is uncertain.
4.2 Treatment for pterygium in the eye When medicine was in its infancy, it was surgically removed. The weakness of the old method is that it has the ability to regenerate 30-40%. Therefore, despite successful surgery, the patient still faces the risk of vision loss if not cared for and treated strictly.
Today medical methods for the eye have been improved. Cell transplantation as well as laparoscopic surgery gradually prevailed. Accompanied by modern equipment to ensure sterilization, the recurrence rate after surgery has been reduced by about 10 times compared to the previous one.
Most hospitals will offer autologous conjunctival transplant surgery with antimitotic drugs. After the surgery, the patient will be periodically re-examined as prescribed by the doctor until the end of one year. After one year, the condition is not worrisome, the patient will perform a regular eye exam like a normal person. At the same time maintain healthy living habits to avoid the risk of this disease.

5. Notes on care after pterygium surgery

Eyelid surgery alone is not enough. Patients after successful treatment of pterygium in the eye will need support and periodic examination. The issue of post-operative care is also worthy of attention. Because this is a stepping stone to evaluate outcomes as well as reduce the risk of recurrence of all diseases, not just eye diseases.
5.1 How to take care of the patient the first day after completing the surgery After the surgery, you will not feel very natural. There is some discomfort around the eye area. Part of it comes from the anesthetic, the other part can be due to the patient's psychology and the surgical stitches.
Pay attention not to bandage too tightly, both making the surgical area mysterious and the patient uncomfortable. In the event that pain occurs after the anesthetic wears off, the patient can report it to the doctor.
For patients with a lot of pain, the doctor may prescribe an appropriate prescription pain reliever. You also do not need to worry too much because the incision will gradually heal and the pain will also decrease if you always follow the correct post-operative care principles. There are some conditions that do not go well, the patient should notify the doctor as soon as possible.
5.2 Notes when taking care of a patient who has just had a mortise removal surgery on the 2nd day After the first day has passed, you will be changed by the nurse and instructed to perform in the next times. When changing the dressing, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there is any abnormality in the surgical area. If everything is fine then proceed with the prescribed drops and bandage the eye.
5.3 Things to do for the next 3 days From the 3rd to 5th day after surgery, you will repeat the dressing change over and over. However, each time the dressing is changed, special attention should be paid to the surgical site. Make sure your incision is okay before dressing it up. If there is any problem, please consult your doctor or nurse for help.
5.4 Notes to help improve the condition Because in the past, the problem of pterygium in the eye was very often found to return. Therefore, in the process of rehabilitation care, patients and their family members need to pay attention to a number of points such as:
Time to use medicine and eye drops need to be followed on time and according to the instructions of the doctor. Absolutely do not arbitrarily use more drugs than prescribed. After surgery, when you are discharged from the hospital, you should keep in mind the follow-up milestones such as: 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year In addition to the indications for regular check-ups , you also always pay attention to your own condition. When there are any abnormal signs, go to the hospital immediately for timely treatment. After surgery, the patient needs to be replenished to have a good metabolism. Except for what the doctor says to abstain, choose nutritious foods and drink plenty of water and vegetables to provide vitamins and fiber. After the surgery is over, until your eyes are stable, there are a few things to avoid:
Any contact with your eyes will have an adverse effect on the health of your eyes. Cough or indigestion, constipation will affect the incision when it has not yet healed. Excessively heavy work should not be performed. Need to keep a good balance to avoid slipping and falling. It is necessary to keep the eyes from getting into the water when bathing or washing. Absolutely say no to alcoholic beverages and tobacco. A polluted environment with a lot of dust is a great enemy of our eyes.
Bổ sung dinh dưỡng sau sinh
Sau khi phẫu thuật cắt mộng mắt, bệnh nhân cần được bổ sung đầy đủ dinh dưỡng để vết thương mau lành

6. Measures to prevent this disease

The pterygium in the eye today is like a minor surgery. However, this disease has a high risk of recurrence. Therefore, the patient and family members know what to note will limit the recurrence of the disease.
Because the eyes after surgery are still weak, it is necessary to use protective glasses when going out. At the same time, use it for a long time to protect your eyes from harmful effects when you work in a polluted or dusty environment. Clean eyes with physiological saline regularly to avoid dry eyes. In addition to the examination as indicated after surgery, it is recommended to re-examine every 6 months to control the pathological condition of the eye. For newly discharged patients, note:
Always maintain the habit of taking medicine on time and exactly as prescribed. Periodic re-examination to be reminded of thread trimming time. Always pay attention to every little manifestation. If you feel uncomfortable, quickly go to the hospital to get checked. Do not eat or drink too much or too little. Consult with your doctor about nutritional foods that can be used to support eye health. Here are some tips to help you protect your eyes after pterygium surgery. Always pay attention to observe as well as ensure the best conditions after surgery to remove the pterygium in the eye.
To examine and perform mortise removal surgery, you can go to the Eye specialist - Vinmec International General Hospital. The department has a comprehensive vision and eye health care function for children, adults and the elderly including refractive error testing, general examination, diagnostic ultrasound, laser treatment and surgery. In addition, ophthalmology also has the task of coordinating with other clinical departments in the treatment of pathological complications and eye injuries caused by accidents.
Why should you choose to examine and treat eye diseases at Vinmec International General Hospital?
Simple and quick procedure. Enthusiastic advice and support, reasonable and convenient examination process. Comprehensive facilities, including a system of clinics and consultations, blood collection room, dining room, waiting area for customers... The medical staff has high professional qualifications, style. Professional, caring way of working.

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