Anti-LKM-1 test diagnoses autoimmune hepatitis

Autoimmune hepatitis if not detected and treated promptly can be life-threatening, Anti-LKM-1 test is an important method in diagnosing this disease.

1. Principle of Anti-LKM-1 . test

Autoimmune hepatitis is an elevated blood aminotransferase status, with histological picture of inflammation around the portal space. Based on the ELISA principle, the Anti-LKM-1 assay is used to quantify IgG antibodies against liver kidney microsomes type 1 (LKM-1), in human serum or plasma.
Currently, this test is often used to aid in the diagnosis of liver disease, especially in cases where autoimmune hepatitis is suspected.

2. Pathogenic mechanism of Anti-LKM-1

Regarding the pathogenic mechanism, Anti-LKM-1 attaches directly to the surface of hepatocytes, it will activate, complement and degrade the liver.
In patients with autoimmune hepatitis, P-450 2D6 is present on hepatocytes. Anti-LKM-1 binds to Cytochrome P-450 2D6 to inhibit the activity of Cytochrome P-450 2D6 enzyme.

3. Indications of the Anti-LKM-1 . test

For normal people, there is no appearance of Anti-LKM-1 in the blood sample. Therefore, the Anti-LKM-1 antibody test plays an important role in the diagnosis of liver diseases such as:
Determining autoimmune hepatitis after excluding the agents caused by the hepatitis virus HBV, HCV ,...; Determining the cause or prognosis of people with liver disease; People with joint diseases, glomerulonephritis, vitiligo and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases of unknown etiology; Simultaneously, this test is also performed in conjunction with antinuclear ANA and anti-smooth muscle (Anti-SMA) antibodies for subtype in autoimmune hepatitis.
Xét nghiệm Anti-LKM-1
Việc xét nghiệm kháng thể Anti-LKM-1 đóng vai trò quan trọng trong chẩn đoán các bệnh lý về gan.

4. Some notes when testing Anti-LKM-1

Notes for patient samples:
Blood samples need to be taken from a vein by centrifugation to separate serum or plasma; Plasma without broken red blood cells; Use an EDTA or Heparin anticoagulation tube. Note to the patient:
The patient is in a state of high blood fat that may affect the test results; Patients with chronic hepatitis C detect Anti-LKM-1 in their samples, so doctors need to be cautious when making a diagnosis of the condition.

5. Significance of Anti-LKM-1 . test

Anti-LKM-1 test has an important role in the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. Therefore, if the test result belongs to 1 or more of the following factors, it may be a warning sign of the disease:
Increased Gammaglobulin; Appearance of autoantibodies ANA, SMA, anti-LKM-1; Presence of genetic markers and absence of hepatitis viral markers; Gives positive results with markers: Anti-ASGPR, anti-LCA, anti-SLA/LP, anti-actin or pANCA. In summary, autoimmune hepatitis, if not detected and treated promptly, can affect the patient's life. Periodic health check-ups will also help detect diseases early, thereby creating a treatment plan for optimal results. Currently, the Laboratory Department - Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the leading prestigious addresses in the country, trusted by a large number of patients for medical examination and treatment. Thanks to the use of modern machines and equipment to test and analyze patient samples, it has provided accurate information, helping doctors to assess the overall health status of the person being tested, soon. detect disease and suggest timely treatment plan. In particular, with a space designed according to 5-star hotel standards, Vinmec guarantees to bring patients the most comfort, friendliness and peace of mind when visiting and receiving treatment at the hospital.

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