Conjunctivitis of the eye: Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

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The article was professionally consulted by BSCK II Nguyen Thai Hung - Ophthalmologist, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, usually occurs in the spring and summer, can spread into an epidemic. The disease is treatable and preventable. Learn the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease to prevent the disease in time.

1. Causes of conjunctivitis

The conjunctiva includes the conjunctiva of the eyeball (the thin transparent membrane on the surface of the white) and the ciliary conjunctiva (the inner lining of the upper and lower eyelids). When this lining becomes inflamed due to agents that cause it, it is called conjunctivitis.
Causes of conjunctivitis include:
Viral: The most common cause, of which about 80% is Adenovirus. The disease is easily spread through direct contact with the patient's tears. Caused by bacteria: Including bacteria such as staphylococcus, Hemophilus influenza, ... diseases spread through contact with secretions or by touching the eyes with contaminated secretions. Can cause severe damage when left untreated. Due to allergens (dust, pet dander, flower droppings, drugs, ...): Appears in people with atopic predisposition, the disease often appears again and again, may appear seasonally. It is not contagious and if you want to treat it completely, you must find the allergen.

Nguyên nhân gây bệnh bao gồm do virus, do vi khuẩn và do tác nhân gây dị ứng.
Nguyên nhân gây bệnh bao gồm do virus, do vi khuẩn và do tác nhân gây dị ứng.

2. Symptoms of eye conjunctivitis

Symptoms of the disease vary depending on the causative agent:
2.1. Symptoms of viral conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis red eyes. Itching, watery eyes, feeling of watery eyes. Eyelid edema, may appear pseudomembranous in the eye. There may be accompanying symptoms such as: Cough, sneezing, fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes. When there are complications: Glare sensation, decreased visual acuity, corneal infiltrates. Can be one or two sides. 2.2. Symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis

Xuất hiện gỉ mắt màu xanh hay vàng dính 2 mi mắt khi thức dậy.
Xuất hiện gỉ mắt màu xanh hay vàng dính 2 mi mắt khi thức dậy.
Appearance of green or yellow eye rust (glue) sticking to 2 eyelids when waking up Itchy, watery eyes. Appears green or yellow eye rust on 2 eyelids when waking up in the morning. Red eye conjunctiva. Severe cases cause corneal ulcers, irreversible vision loss. One or both eyes may be affected. 2.3 Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis The disease can be seasonal, or relapsing. Watery eyes, itchy eyes a lot. Often accompanied by allergic rhinitis. The disease occurs in both eyes.

3. Treatment of conjunctivitis

Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on the cause of the disease:
Viral conjunctivitis : The disease can clear up on its own without treatment. The main treatment is symptomatic treatment, including cold compresses, washing eyes with clean water, avoiding dry eyes by instilling artificial tears along with antibiotics to prevent bacterial superinfection.
Bacterial conjunctivitis: Treat the cause with antibiotic eye drops or eye drops.
Allergic conjunctivitis: Try to find the allergen and avoid the allergens, treat with anti-allergic drugs, use artificial tears to relieve discomfort.

4. Measures to prevent conjunctivitis

Sử dụng khăn mặt, vật dụng cá nhân riêng trong nhà và nơi học tập làm việc.
Sử dụng khăn mặt, vật dụng cá nhân riêng trong nhà và nơi học tập làm việc.

Use personal towels and personal items in the home and workplace.
Use personal towels and personal items in the home and workplace. Do not rub your eyes, cover your mouth and nose when sneezing. Wash your hands with an antiseptic solution every day, especially after coming into contact with sick people. Be careful when using contact lenses, need to be examined and consulted by a doctor when there are uncomfortable symptoms in the eyes. Wear eye protection when going out or working in environments with lots of smoke, dust, chemicals, etc. Enhance vitamin A, C, E,... Conjunctivitis is a common disease caused by many diseases. caused by different causes. If the virus is caused by a virus, it can spread into an epidemic and the disease can leave some sequelae, so when seeing signs of illness, the patient should go to a medical facility for diagnosis, consultation and treatment.

Examination and diagnosis of conjunctivitis is being performed routinely at Vinmec International General Hospital. With modern equipment and a team of experienced doctors, Vinmec International General Hospital has implemented many types of surgery from routine to difficult surgery, especially techniques that require aesthetics. . With enthusiasm and love for the profession, the team of doctors always gives customers the best service with the highest quality of service.
Vinmec is currently cooperating with leading experts at frontline hospitals in the country and abroad for diagnosis and treatment in order to bring the best medical examination and treatment to customers.

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