Be wary of purulent pharyngitis in children, avoid complications

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Le Van Quang - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

Pharyngitis in children is a disease that, if not treated promptly and properly, will cause complications of throat abscess, inflammation around the throat and body weakness, affecting the overall development process. of children in the future.

1. What is purulent pharyngitis?

Purulent pharyngitis, also known as purulent pharyngitis, is a common respiratory disease caused by viruses and bacteria, causing the throat to become inflamed for a long time, growing strongly, causing the mucosa in the wall The throat swells up into granules or contains pus, causing bad breath and causing many inconveniences in daily life.
Pharyngitis is a severe stage of pharyngitis in children, at this time, the patient will always feel an uncomfortable burning pain in the throat. If not detected and treated in time, the disease can cause inflammation to other organs such as ears - nose - throat. In particular, purulent pharyngitis in children can affect the ventricular heart if the child has a history of heart disease.

2. Signs of purulent sore throat in children

Pharyngitis in children often has very clear and recognizable symptoms, however, parents are often subjective because they think that the disease is not dangerous for children. In fact, purulent pharyngitis in children is a disease to be wary of because its potential for complications is very high.
Like acute pharyngitis, purulent pharyngitis in children will cause the following manifestations:
Children have dry cough, cough with sputum, symptoms will usually be worse at night When examined, the throat will see dots. pus, red swollen throat Itchy throat with pus discharge Bad breath caused by pus Sore throat, red swollen throat, difficulty eating, difficulty swallowing. The child is tired, refuses to eat, vomits May have a low-grade fever or a sudden high fever up to 39°C - 40°C. Children may have loss of voice, hoarseness, mouth breathing while sleeping, wheezing. In severe cases, parents can see lymph nodes appearing in the corner of the child's jaw, which is painful when pressed.

Trẻ bị ho khan, ho khạc đờm, họng có chấm và sưng mủ có thể là dấu hiệu của viêm họng mủ
Trẻ bị ho khan, ho khạc đờm, họng có chấm và sưng mủ có thể là dấu hiệu của viêm họng mủ

3. Be wary of dangerous complications from purulent sore throat in children

Pharyngitis in children is a seemingly simple disease, but if not treated promptly and properly, it will easily lead to dangerous complications such as:
Make children malnourished: Sore throat in children Children in general and purulent pharyngitis in particular will make it difficult for children to eat and drink and lead to anorexia, malnutrition, and poor physical and mental development. Complications tonsil abscess Causes many diseases in the ear - nose - throat: Because these parts are interconnected, if the condition of purulent pharyngitis in children lasts for a long time, it will cause bacteria to attack to other parts. other. Systemic complications such as inflammation of the whole body, threatening blood infections and life-threatening to children. Purulent pharyngitis is a disease that is very easy to encounter and the risk of complications is also very high, so parents should absolutely not be subjective and ignore the signs of disease onset. Timely treatment to avoid complications.
In particular, it is necessary to be wary of factors that cause purulent pharyngitis in children and increase the risk of complications such as:
Poor oral hygiene. Unscientific, healthy diet (eating a lot of sour, spicy, hot and cold foods). Children do not get enough nutrition, so their immune system is weak. Living in a dusty, polluted environment. Children's body is not kept warm, easy to catch cold.

4. Children with purulent sore throat, what to do?

Cần chế biến khẩu phần ăn giàu dinh dưỡng, dễ tiêu, dễ nuốt cho trẻ
Cần chế biến khẩu phần ăn giàu dinh dưỡng, dễ tiêu, dễ nuốt cho trẻ

When a child has purulent pharyngitis, in addition to sending the child to the hospital for timely examination and treatment, parents need to:
Clean the child's nose and throat every day, if the nasal discharge is too much and thick, it can be Use a nasal aspirator to suck on the baby. Use a soft tissue to wipe your child's nose and drool, and then throw it away. Follow your doctor's instructions when using vasopressors. Prepare nutritious, easy-to-digest, easy-to-swallow meals for children, so they should be fed according to their needs and divided into several meals a day. In fact, most cases of purulent pharyngitis in children are prescribed treatment with pain relievers, anti-inflammatory combined with daily oral hygiene to eliminate viruses and bacteria that cause disease. In order to help quickly relieve symptoms and quickly recover from illness, parents need to give their children the right medicine, at the right dose, not arbitrarily stop using the drug or increase or decrease the dose without the consent of the treating doctor.
Purulent pharyngitis is a disease that is not fatal in children, but its risk of complications into a dangerous disease is great, so parents need to learn carefully about this disease to have effective preventive measures to prevent complications.
Otolaryngology - Vinmec International General Hospital specializes in examining and treating common ENT diseases such as: rhinitis, pharyngitis, purulent pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tinnitus, non-caused rhinitis allergies, throat cancer; tumors of the head, face and neck, congenital malformations of the ear, nose and throat area by common surgical methods.
To register for examination and treatment of Otolaryngology at Vinmec International Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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