Test results for ketones 15mmol/L, Leukocytes 500 leu/ml in urine, is there any risk and danger?

Hello doctor. I just got back from a medical examination, I have a urine test with 2 items: 1- ketones, the result is 15mmol/L, 2- Leukocytes, the result is 500 leu/ml. The doctor advised me that with the result of the test for ketones 15mmol/L, Leukocytes 500 leu/ml in the urine are at risk of any disease and dangerous? What is the treatment like? Thank you doctor for helping me.
Nguyen Thi Ha Giang (1991)
Hello. First of all, you need to be aware that the urine sample collection must follow the sampling instructions to ensure the results are free of interference. Urine samples for general analysis should be collected in the morning, midstream (discard the first part of the dump), in clean containers. Patients should wash their hands and clean their genitals before taking samples.
Women who are menstruating, if they do not follow the sampling instructions properly, may cause false positive results with parameters such as red blood cells, white blood cells. In fact, there are cases where the urine test has 500 leu/ml, but when asked, the patient has no symptoms of urinary tract infection, tested with another sample, the result comes back negative. After asking the patient again, it was discovered that the patient collected urine at the beginning of the field or collected a sample while menstruating.
Going back to your results, a white blood cell count of 500 leu/ml (equivalent to 3+) is a very clear sign of an abnormality in the urine. If you have signs of painful urination, frequent urination will help reinforce the symptoms of UTI and you should consult a Nephrologist - Urologist to find the cause of the infection.
Pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, often have leukocytosis, so if you are pregnant, you should consult an obstetrician for advice and treatment. Isolated urinary Ketone (ketone) index is usually of little significance, valid only in cases where patients with diabetes, are in a stage of uncontrolled high blood sugar, will be at risk of ketosis coma. In normal people, especially in young children, when fasting for a long time, there is usually a slight increase in blood ketone levels due to the body's adaptive mechanism, which will also cause an increase in urinary ketones.
You can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined by a doctor and have in-depth advice. Thank you for trusting and sharing the question "Is there any risk of disease and danger in the urine test result for ketones 15mmol/L, Leukocytes 500 leu/ml?" to Vinmec. Wishing you good health always.
Answered by Doctor Le Duy Cuong - Biochemistry Unit - Laboratory Department - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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