Mechanism of transmission of tuberculosis, mumps?

Hello doctor,
My family has mumps and tuberculosis just discovered yesterday. My family lives together but I am afraid of contagion. So the doctor told me the mechanism of infection with tuberculosis, mumps? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Dr., Doctor Le Thi Huong - Department of Examination, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
With the question “Mechanism of infection with tuberculosis, mumps? ”, the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis can affect many parts of the body. In which, the most common form of pulmonary tuberculosis accounts for 80 to 85%. This is the main source of infection for everyone around.
Pulmonary tuberculosis is transmitted through the respiratory tract. Mechanism due to inhalation of aerosol particles suspended in the air containing TB bacteria. Aerosol particles containing TB bacteria are produced when a person with advanced pulmonary tuberculosis coughs or sneezes. These particles are about 1-5 micrometers in diameter. They stay suspended in the air for anywhere from a few hours to 24 hours. The ability to spread is drastically reduced in people who have been treated for 2 to 4 weeks or more. Therefore, early detection and treatment of TB helps to reduce transmission in the community.
TB infection is a condition in which TB bacteria are present in the body. However, bacteria cannot grow due to the control of the immune system. So they exist in the body but are not active. When the body's resistance declines, TB bacteria can break out and become active. People infected with TB do not have clinical manifestations of tuberculosis.
About 10% of people infected with TB will develop TB disease. For immunocompromised individuals, the rate is much higher.
The following factors are related to the transmission of TB to people around. These are:
The number of TB bacteria coughed up by the patient and ventilation in the area of ​​exposure Time exposure to aerosol particles containing TB bacteria Proximity to source of aerosol particles carrying bacteria TB Weakened immune system: HIV, diabetes, and malnutrition... Tobacco use or alcohol abuse can increase the risk of TB infection and tuberculosis. Environmental factors: Tight space, poor ventilation, air-conditioned room... Based on the disease transmission mechanism and factors related to the possibility of infection to give preventive measures for lower pulmonary tuberculosis. this.
The purpose of TB prevention is to:
Reduce the risk of infection with TB bacteria Reduce the risk of switching from TB infection to getting TB Measures to prevent TB infection in the hospital environment
Control of environmental hygiene Disease prevention The rooms where TB patients are treated or active should be open to ventilation, ensuring air circulation. Avoid closing the door or turning on the air conditioner to easily spread the disease to people around. Limit TB patients from spreading TB bacteria into the environment by: People with pulmonary TB need to use masks. Or at least cover your mouth with a tissue when you talk to other people, or every time you sneeze or cough. Do not spit indiscriminately. Should spit sputum into paper or cup/cup. Then put it in the right place. Wash your hands with soap often. People who come into contact with someone with TB need to protect themselves. It is best to wear a standard respiratory protective mask when talking to someone with TB. Because regular masks are less effective in protecting against TB infection. There should be a separate place of care for patients with AFB-positive pulmonary TB or MDR-TB. Prevention and control of tuberculosis infection in the family and people around
Patients must adhere to TB treatment according to the doctor's instructions. This is the only way to achieve effective treatment and avoid the risk of infection. Especially the cases of coughing up tuberculosis bacteria, with positive AFB sputum test. Avoid spreading TB bacteria to people around you by: Using a mask, covering your mouth when talking to others, sneezing or coughing. Do not spit indiscriminately. Spew phlegm into a tissue and burn it. Wash hands with soap frequently. Keep the patient's home environment clean. Make sure doors, windows and umbrellas are naturally ventilated and have sunlight. Regularly wash and dry personal items, mats, blankets, and mosquito nets. If you still have questions about the mechanism of tuberculosis infection, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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