Does unprotected sex require emergency contraception?

Hello doctor. I want to ask the doctor that I am now 40 years old, just 6 months after giving birth to another child. Yesterday, I had my period for 4 days and it was clean, my wife and I had sex without using contraception. Do I have to take emergency contraception?
Dao Thi Tuyet
Normally, the time to start perimenopause in each woman is different because of each person's body type. However, according to statistics, the majority of women face perimenopause when they are between the ages of 40 and 47. Although the chances of perimenopausal women getting pregnant are lower than younger women, pregnancy does not. can still happen during this transition period. Contraceptives for women in this stage are usually low-dose oral contraceptives 0.3 to 0.45 micrograms of estrogen.
If you have not yet reached menopause, you should continue to use birth control. After menopause, you should continue to practice safe sex techniques by using latex condoms to reduce your risk of sexually transmitted infections.
Therefore, to prevent pregnancy safely and effectively at the age of 40, you should visit a reputable medical facility.

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