Can you get pregnant while having sex only when the penis is inserted and then pulled out?

Doctor let me ask. My due date is February 14, 2020. On April 11, I was forced to have sex with someone else (not my husband) but because of the pressure, that person only had time to put the yang in and I ran away, if I didn't ejaculate, is it possible that the child I am carrying is a baby? Is that person? After that, my husband and I still had normal relationships. On 08/06, I had an ultrasound and still can't see the gestational sac. I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you doctor.
Dao Thi Tuyet
Theoretically, the new penis comes into contact with the vagina and then comes out immediately and does not ejaculate, the possibility of pregnancy is almost impossible. Based on the due date you provide, it can be predicted that you will be pregnant around May 2019. Usually from the 17th day, the gestational sac can be seen. The development of the fetus will not be the same, so you should not be too worried when you find that you do not have a gestational sac at this time. Gestational sacs usually appear between 5-6 weeks of pregnancy.
Thank you for your question to website. Best regards!

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