When is hepatitis B considered chronic?

Hello doctor. I am 30 years old, from 2011-2016 I gave birth to 3 children by caesarean section, 1 month ago I went to 2 hospitals for health check and blood test results concluded that I have hepatitis B. At the same time, I told my husband to take a blood test and it was found that he is not infected with hepatitis B.
The doctor asked me what tests I need to do? How is the treatment? Is my case chronic? Will my children have it? Currently, I am very tired, uncomfortable, feeling pale, anorexia, hungry, but seeing rice and food, I do not want to eat; If you shout or speak loudly, you will feel short of breath, sometimes it feels very itchy but only the back is itchy. I hope the doctor can help me. I would like to thank you!
Le Thi Trang (1990)
Hello. If you've been tested in both places and both have hepatitis B, then you probably have the real hepatitis B. If you have hepatitis B for more than 6 months, it is called chronic. Your doctor will do a test called IgM AntiHBc, which will tell you exactly if you have a chronic condition. If you have chronic hepatitis B you will need to have additional liver enzyme tests (AST/ALT) and depending on the results, your doctor will advise you to monitor every 3-6 months or to do some more tests. other tests to support treatment.
Hepatitis B is usually transmitted through mother to child, wife to husband. So if your husband doesn't have hepatitis B, he probably already has hepatitis B antibodies so he can't get it from his wife. However, to be sure, your husband should be tested for Anti-HBs antibodies, if this antibody is high, you do not need to vaccinate your husband, if this antibody is low or absent, your husband should be vaccinated immediately. You should also test your 3 children for hepatitis B for peace of mind. However, the likelihood of 3 babies getting sick is not high because usually, according to recent procedures, babies born to mothers with hepatitis B are vaccinated with antisera and vaccinated against hepatitis B right after birth.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards.
MSc. BS. Vu Tan Phuc - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.

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